Sunday, 6 May 2018

A Busy Community Day

Hello Everyone,

 Bits and pieces for you today from our Thursday meeting and a couple of quilting hints that may be useful.

First  -  mats for our Show Challenge are due next week. Small Prizes will be awarded for various categories - ugliest, funniest, prettiest etc.

Second - Please think about making quilts to sell at the show. No big big quilts though.
Standard cot size, single bed and double bed. Also lap quilts are popular with the cooler weather.
Remember though that 15% commission is taken from the sale price towards costs and the charities we are supporting.

It was Community Day and all our groups were busy sewing and planning quilts for our stash.

As is habit with many groups, we all tend to sit with the same people every week. Hence we have been divided roughly into Colours.

The RED GROUP have been given a quilt top that had been started but not finished.  Our group had a big discussion about what to do with it and how to finish it.
Sheila had also finished the backing of another quilt we have been making for Community.
We will pin it together next week ready for machine quilting.

The BLUE GROUP is always very busy. They were working on two quilt tops, finishing binding and sewing on labels.

The ORANGE GROUP had two machines working hard. All heads down and charging ahead.

The GREEN GROUP were also finishing off a pretty quilt they had designed.

I didn't catch up with the other groups but will keep tabs on them for next Community Day.


I went to a talk on Friday which was very enjoyable.

1.  BINDING: When you bind a quilt, apparently it is a good idea to finish the four corners first. Then go back and finish the bits in between.This helps to keep the quilt flat.
A flat quilt is especially important if your quilt is to be entered into a show and be judged.

2.  CUTTING: One lady who does a lot of cutting, mentioned that she had been using a Titanium cutting blade.
She has been using the same blade since December last year and it is still sharp.
Apparently Spotlight sells them so it may be worth a try.


Quiltsmith is closing soon and is to become an online store. The owner does not have room to store a lot of the fabric and books that are in the shop. So hurry along and pick up a bargain.
They have a big range of quilting books which are always useful.

QuiltNSW is looking for volunteers for the Saturday and Sunday of their show in June. It is mainly 'white glove' work. This enables you to have a good look at all the quilts and chat to and meet other quilters. You will also receive a special badge and morning tea after the show.

Show and Tell:

A nine patch from me made from leftovers for a bigger cot quilt I made for a friend. This is for the Grace Centre.

Also for the Grace Centre from Jenny.  Jenny and I did an Improv Class on Tuesday.  I knew Jenny would finish the quilt for our Thursday meeting.  I was going to compete but  I had no chance!
This is a fun way to make blocks.  It is similar to Gwen Marston's Wonky blocks idea. Gwen's attitude is -'if it is too big, cut it off. If too small, add it on.'
Not for the Traditionalist quilters but fun to do.

Also for the Grace Centre from Karen. This looks amazing and three dimensional.

Another baby quilt from Jenny. The pattern is a square within a square within a square. Jenny did explain how to do it but I lost track after the first two squares. An idea for a workshop I feel.

A stunning Community quilt from Karen. Thank you Karen.

Until next week......

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