Saturday, 11 November 2017

A Quiet Start! 9/11/17

Yes, the day started with many empty seats for some reason, but as the day wore on people rolled in as usual.
Perhaps girls have started to get some Christmas shopping in before the rush. It’s hard to believe that we are into November already. Only five more Thursday meetings before we finish the year on December 14th. This of course will be our Christmas Party day, and a reminder to bring along a plate of party food to share, plus a glass for beverages. We are also suggesting anyone who has extra ‘bits and pieces’ for the sensory mat challenge, please bring them to the party to swap and share.
Colleen will be running her traditional shop at the Christmas Party for a change. The perfect time to get a few last-minute gifts for friends and family.

We had another table of Cheryl fabric to browse through, and many girls found gems they can use. This should be the last of it though, at least until next year I think.

I visited the Art Exhibition at the Gladesville Shopping Centre on the weekend, and once again the ladies from the Hunters Hill and Ryde Community Services were gushing with thanks for the donated quilt. In addition, many passers-by were showing interest and buying raffle tickets, so it looks as though it will be a huge fundraising success.

Grace, along with Gil and Doreen, have been invited to do a showcase for the Guild Quilt Study Group next May. The topic will be the history and making of Waggas , so these three girls will be a mine of information to share. Congrats to you all.

Six beautiful Community Quilts were chosen and prepared for donation to the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women’s Shelter. You can see the ones chosen below.

Cocktail Strings by Jenny

Hexi Garden by the Green Group ( Ellen. Lin and company)

Stained Glass by Narelle and Iris

Windows by Ros and Narelle

Paris in the Pink by Kerry and Helena 

Orange Crunch by Narelle and Ros and the Orange Group

Delighted to see a very lovely post on on our face book page from the Hornsby Shelter,  thanking our generosity.

Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy this perfect weather. See below some other items of Show and Tell.

Cheers till next Thursday, Elva.

Show and Tell:

We saw Grace's winning quilt 'in the flesh'  - even better than the pictures - and heard the story of the inspiration behind the design.

Susie showed the progress of her current project - great colours and fabrics

See you next week ...  Iris on pictures 

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