Sunday 3 April 2016


A very different feel around the hall this week. There were lots of members, and stacks of activity going on! Maybe it was because all quilt show entries were due in, and all fees were due, but the hall was crowded. 

The give-away/ sorting table was in full swing.....

as was the cutter. Hooray! At last the cutter is catching on.....


Grace put up on the design wall some examples of what's required in preparation for the in/house workshop next week. Thanks for all your efforts Grace, and such excellent preparation and guidance for us all. The cutter will come in handy for this project too! Remember to bring your 'tubes' next week so Grace can show us how to proceed from there. A reminder below if you can see enough detail.....




Should be able to get quite a few new baby quilts for the Grace Centre from the day's efforts.

Don't forget to sign up for the retreat by contacting Redleaf and booking your room. Narelle is keeping track of numbers.

Show rosters will be developed soon after the retreat when Narelle puts on her other hat! Fantastic work Narelle! What would we do without you? And the new table-toppers are looking great as well. Great team you have going......

Josie is searching for a lost book which she may have brought to quilters, and may have leant to someone. It's Kitty Pippin's 'Japanese Quilting'. If you have any idea where it might be, see Josie. She will be most relieved.

Jenny showed a new book in the library - "The Big Book of Baby Quilts". Plenty of great ideas for everyone. She has also prepared a folder listing all books in the library both by author and title I believe.

Beryl is collecting old towels for use in dogs homes. Good opportunity to get rid of your used towels if you're up-grading! 


Jenny S showed two cute baby quilts for the collection, one with dinosaurs and another with cheeky monkeys! Gorgeous fabrics....



Jess showed us a lovely Wagga she has made for the show. She says it took her a while to think what to do with the check wool. Turned out to be an excellent choice I'd say!


Jenny B came after a long absence, and showed us two quilt tops. One uses Freda Carlo fabric and the other uses a combination of Clark Gable and Betty Grable. As a result, she has named it "Gable meets Grable". Nice one.....



    Looking forward to the workshop on Thursday. Remember that it's Community Day, so if you have a community project you're working on, this would be a good time to bring it along. If you're looking for some community work to do, join in the workshop or see Iris for other ideas.
In any event we hope to see as many members as possible at the group.
Cheers till then, Elva.

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