Friday, 26 February 2016


Well, that's two months of the year gone already! Mustn't freak out......still plenty of time.....!!
I noticed that I'm not the only one. There was plenty of action around the room today preparing quilts and other bits and pieces for the show in August.

Another gorgeous Wagga on the way from Doreen and Gil. Lots of deliberation about borders etc.



A fabulous quilt top by Kerry (started at a retreat) destined for the show collection - yet to be sandwiched and quilted. This one will be ready in plenty of time! Well done Kerry


Another spectacular Wagga from Grace being prepared for the show. Looking very nice. The hand quilting is beautiful!

Thanks to Lindy for getting the Quilt Show entry forms out to everyone, either by email or hard copies which were handed out at our group meeting. Entries are due back by the end of March please.

Thanks also to Narelle who has circulated a sign-up list for the retreat in May, and produced an information sheet about dates, costs and how to book your rooms. Contact Narelle if you didn't get a sheet, and she'll make sure you get one next week. 

Thanks to Grace who has offered to run an in-house workshop next week for the March community day. Anyone who wants to participate is most welcome, especially if you don't have other community work to be doing. 

Thanks also to Iris for making contact with  the NSW Guild about applying for display space at their show in June. We keep our fingers crossed to be given space. It's going to very competitive I think. And thanks to those who volunteered to 'man' the stall if the days coincide with their plans. 

Thanks also to Joy who carried out an audit of keys, in an attempt to clarify and get rid of obsolete ones from each bunch. Joy has marked keys with a simple code to indicate which key opens what!
A very fiddly job, but it should ensure that everyone can open all areas of the hall when needed.
Please remember to be very careful about our current master key from the HH Council. We only have one, and we can't afford to lose it. It can't be copied, and must do us till they get this card system fixed again! Hand it over to the next person carefully!! Thanks.

All these efficient and organised members help to keep our happy group running smoothly. We are very grateful for so much cooperation and support.

Our best wishes go to our friend Ailsa who is currently in hospital. All are hoping for a quick recovery for you Ailsa. 

Well, a brief rest from reading to enjoy a few pictures of the busy and active room this week.



Below is the quilt given to the CWA this week. Their President Suzanne came along to tell us all a little about the charity support work they do around the community. Very impressive indeed, and if our quilts help them raise funds to achieve their work goals, we are only too happy. The quilt was made by Maree K and quilted by Iris. Well done ladies. It's beautiful, and Suzanne and Barbara were delighted. 



Finally then, here is the result so far of the Christmas jelly-roll challenge. Up on the design wall, it created a good deal of discussion and gasps of delight! It really is coming together beautifully. Many thanks to Iris for all her work setting up the challenge, and now bringing it all together. 
Iris showed us a pile of extra blocks which she says are enough to do yet another quilt. It will only take an interested person or small group to take it on. Should be great fun. No rush/no deadline. Nice project for community days perhaps. Just see Iris for access to the pile! I think she's done quite enough of this challenge and deserves a rest!



See you all next Thursday. It's community day, so plenty to get on with.
Cheers, Elva

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