Saturday, 13 February 2016


The hall was near full last Thursday, with the return of a few friends who have been away for various reasons. Good to see everyone busy and happy at their work. 

We must never lose sight of the reasons why this group started and has kept developing. It's the companionship and sharing of our beloved hobby, and the skills we have built while practicing it. It's important I think to keep this in mind so we can continue to look forward to coming each week.

And here we are in action......



Next week is our AGM, so it's an important one to attend if you can. We seem to have all but one of the committee responsibilities filled which is a good thing. Just still looking for a volunteer to take on 'Workshops and Tours'. Jess is busy with work throughout this year, so it's not going to be possible for her to continue in the role, but I'm sure she's available for help, advice and ideas. Give it a think.
Thanks to Narelle who has stepped forward to fill Deb's shoes, and she will look after this year's retreat in May. Good on you Narelle!

Thanks to Heather who has volunteered to buy new blades (and fit them) for our entire collection of cutters! A most essential job. 

We have communicated with HH Council regarding helping find some extra storage space for a new community user of the hall. They were most grateful for our feedback and suggestions.  Let's see what comes of it.

Joy is investigating the possibility of a new padlock on our kitchen cupboards because of unauthorised access, and the loss of various supplies! Thanks and good luck with it Joy. Let's hope that solves the problem.


Ellen showed us the quilt she's working on for the show. It's looking very exciting and beautiful! Can't wait for the show this year. I think it's going to be outstanding, if this is any guide!



Looking amazing Ellen. Well done!

Three quilts for community were shown, and they are:

2 for Cystic Fibrosis, the first done by Pink Group


And the second was one done for the 2014 Christmas Challenge by the group, and put together by Iris. Very nicely done everyone!


The last one is destined for the Assisted Living Guide Dogs. It was done by Robyn J and quilted by Helena. Very nice, and very appropriate fabric!


See you all next week at group and the AGM. 

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