Sunday, 21 February 2016


Our AGM went off successfully, with all reports presented, and all positions filled for this year.
Direct Deposit details are on the website for those who wish to pay fees that way, or you can see Grace on Thursdays. It's important for our financial security that all members pay their fees as soon as possible please. Many thanks.

A pause to see all the girls at work and play.........



The Guild's new Template magazine has arrived, and it makes for some very interesting reading this month. Please feel free to have a browse through it from our library copy. Also, don't forget to browse through our extensive library and borrow books any time you wish. It's easy to forget it's there, but you will be amazed at the variety of topics covered. Certainly something for every taste!

The Template has a list of all the clubs' shows coming up, and ours will be on that list for the second half of the year. 

A small Show and Tell batch this week, but worth a look in spite of that.

June made this quilt for community at one of our retreats. She has named it "Spring Has Sprung". It certainly looks like it! Lovely.


This gorgeous bag was made by Sheila to house the Contemporary Raffle Quilt for the show. It's really lovely Sheila.


Finally a little gem from Suzie, made for and shown by her mum Helen. An old pair of jeans (grand child's I think) were used plus some cute brights. It houses a personalised coffee mug, a fabric covered notebook, plus a variety of other goodies for on-the-go quilters. Lucky Helen and clever daughter! It's the cutest thing we've seen in a while!

Cheers till next time girls.
Hope everyone's having a great weekend. Bring on the cooler weather I say!

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