Sunday 12 July 2015


Thank you to Helen and Susie for holding a wonderful binding workshop for all comers! Very generous of you, and extremely useful to many who dropped in at various stages. I think everyone who attended learned quite a few new tricks. Here are some shots of the gathering:






Congratulations to Joy on her 11th grandchild, and welcome to Olga who came to check out the group this week.

Deb reminded us that it is only six weeks now till our retreat at Blackheath. Places still available, but let Deb know ASAP.


Kerry showed a very cute quilt just finished for her 4 year old grandson. It will be given to him on the arrival of his new baby, expected very soon. Both quilts have matching star backs! No sibling rivalry there then!


Margaret D showed a lovely counter-change quilt in gorgeous brown and beige. A timeless design that always comes off so well!


Beryl B showed this spectacular quilt in black and white, with a hint of brown. Designed she says, by her grandson and his girlfriend! Very nice design indeed! Needless to say the quilt is for them.


Jess and her daughter Maddie showed a lovely blue toned baby quilt which will be for The Grace Centre. Beautifully done Maddie! It helps to have such a talented mum to give you a hand too!


And finally Robyn J made this following quilt for the community collection. It was quilted by Helena. Cute use of doggie fabric. Very nice !


Well done everyone. Another fine collection of work. 
See you all next week.
Keep warm and out of the wind if you can.

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