Iris on blog today: Judy was isolated as a close covid contact, so was unable to join us.
Update on Helena, who had a bad fall from her bicycle and did a lot of damage to her arm. She is in plaster for 6 weeks, but is now at home. We wish you well, Helena - no golf or sewing for some time.
Sandy has a contact to get quilts directly to flood victims in the Richmond area. True Blue Stitches, a fabric shop in North Richmond are collecting completed quilts, completed tops and orphan blocks, so any of these that you would like to donate, please bring next week for Sandy.
Grace and Ros took to the design wall to put together our 40th celebration Ruby quilt. They were very patient as 20+ advisors offered advice and suggestions: 'move this one', 'take out the 3rd one on the 5th row' etc.etc.
Work in progress
The 'final' positioning