Monday, 28 September 2020

Busy Meeting

 Hi Everyone,

We had a busy day this week with lots of baby quilts to show. More members are returning which is good to see. We still need to stick to our 4 per group though to abide by the Government rules.

Robyn Jnst contacted Sandy during the week about an organisation called Sylvanvale. They support 750 children and adults with disability throughout the Sydney metropolitan area and the Blue Mountains to live and participate in the community as they choose.

Robyn's granddaughter who is finishing her nursing degree pops in to help dress and care for residents before she goes off to her nursing lectures, etc.

She has requested us to make 7 quilts for Women and 6 quilts for Men using bright colours.

A total of 20 will be wrapped as Christmas presents and given to 11 women and 9 men. Ages from 20's to 37 i.e. young adults.

If your group can make one or two we would be very happy to donate them to such a worthy cause. 

Size - single bed size. 

Show and Tell:

Carolyn brought in 10 baby quilts. She has made many and will bring 10 each week.

Ros has made 4 baby quilts.

Sue D. finished the hand quilting on this one.

Iris finished quilting the Jacob's ladder lockdown quilt.

3  of the baby quilts from Ros

Until next week.......

Saturday, 19 September 2020

Second Birthday Celebration

 Hi Everyone,

We had a second celebration for our birthday this week. There were quite a few members who had not been last week and have in fact not been so far this year. Narelle and Kerry hosted the event and everyone enjoyed it.

We had 28 this week. Please be aware at all times of social distancing . It is easy to become complacent but we do need to be vigilant. We keep the windows open to allow as much fresh air as possible and self catering works well.

I received a phone call from Betty Wilson's daughter-in-law this week. Betty is in a care home and is 96 years young. Many of you remember her. Her daughter-in-law, Karen has a number of quilts and wall hangings to donate to us from Betty. She will pop in for a visit one Thursday.

Joy brought in two buckets full of her wonderful lemons for us all to share. Thank you Joy.

Ann asked if anyone had a cumquat tree for her to make jam. She was inundated and brought in some of her bounty.

Akiko is ordering more wadding.

Robyn delivered 47 baby quilts to Westmead. We have another lot ready to go.

Show and Tell:

Kerry has finished her wagga and it looks great.

We had 21 baby quilts to show this week. First lot from Alison.

Next from Lindy.

Sheila used many of her scraps to make this lovely quilt. It is the Arkansas Crossroads pattern. It would make a great Community quilt.

Robyn finished one of the 13 quilts that were donated by Rhonda T.
It is for Community.

Baby quilts from Grace.

Until next week ....

Sunday, 13 September 2020

38th Birthday

 Hi Everyone,

Last week and this week we are celebrating our 38th year. We should feel proud that our group has been going for so long. We have made hundreds of quilts and waggas over this time and made many donations to a number of charities. We are celebrating over two weeks so hopefully everyone can join in the celebration as we cannot all gather in a single group.

Susan St J. called in. She has been very ill and spent some time in the Chris O'Brien cancer hospital. We gave Susan a wall hanging that the hospital wanted and also a quilt for them to raffle.

Baby quilts: Robyn had some good news. Westmead will take our baby quilts again. In fact the hospital called Robyn to say they had none! We can certainly fix that with so many of us making them during the lockdown.

Meg had a brochure advertising the Great Australian Craft Show 6. It will be online from Thursday 10  to Sunday 13 September. There will be 120 craft shops, event specials and demonstrations. All exhibitors will be online to chat.


FB Live Feed

Show and Tell:

Iris and Robyn were given these soft fabrics and have made a quilt for Community.

Two from Carolyn for Community.

Sue Stev. has made this lovely quilt for her granddaughter.

Sandy made this 'happy' quilt during lockdown.

A wagga from Meg for her grandson. His great grandfather had a tailor shop and many of the fabrics are samples from there. 

A perfect wattle  in full bloom on my walk this morning.

A community quilt from Carolyn.

Until next week ....

Sunday, 6 September 2020

Full House

 Hi Everyone,

We had a full complement this week with the return of Alison, Meg and Lin.

I had forgotten the August birthdays but caught up with August and September birthdays - 11 members all up. Happy Birthday.

The day started for Iris and me meeting a mother from Hunters Hill Public School who had originally approached us with a commission for the school's 150th Anniversary. She had organised a meeting with the headmistress and year 6 students at 9:30 for us to hand over the wall hanging.

The children were delightful and asked many questions about the making of it ( I posted a photo on last week's blog). They were quite taken with the design. It was a great success.

As it is our Birthday month in September - 38th in fact - we will have a celebratory drink and individual cupcake for next week 10th and the following week 17th so nearly all of us will be able to celebrate.

Don't forget to bring a glass. I will have paper cups as backup.

During the morning we had a visit from The Womens' Refuge- Sallianne and Ruth. We donated 8 quilts to them. Sallianne spoke to us about the refuge and how the lockdown has affected them. She reiterated how much the quilts mean to those who come to the shelter. To be able to go to their cupboard and choose a quilt they like and then be able to keep it when they leave, means so much.

Well done everyone.

Suzie sent me an update on our other charity, Days for Girls. The group has not had meetings since March. Some ladies are continuing to sew kit components at home. There is no information to date as to when they may be able to return to in-person workshops at the scout hall.

Lord Mayer's Picnic Quilt:

Iris has been informed that they will not require a quilt this year. This is the first time in many years that we haven't had a commission from them.

A reminder about Community quilts:

The quilts we make for Robyn - a mother and child refuge - require labels to be attached. They are the same labels we use for the Baby Quilts.

Show and Tell:

Grace is finishing a beautiful quilt that Adrienne had not completed.  Grace has machine and hand quilted it. I took a photo of the centre to show the exquisite work.

The centre block from a Wagga made by Sandy.

Jenny made this colourful round quilt for a granddaughter using a 9 patch block and a sheet. It is just as colourful on the back. 

Sheila had this lap quilt hidden away unfinished for a long time. Now finally rescued it is very pretty in blue.

Alison found this photo from our 1989 quilt show. She loves the patchwork outfits. There was also a statue of a Sphinx on the stage! Unfortunately the resolution is not very good.

Until next week .....

Saturday, 29 August 2020

A Quiet Day

 Hi Everyone,

 18 members arrived this week. Due to the closure of the Harbour Bridge some were unable to come. It took me a lot longer than usual and Helena was in traffic for 2 hours. Beryl B set off to catch the bus which took ages to come. After trying another couple of buses she gave up and eventually returned home around midday.

Gill had some news from Doreen. She said Doreen misses us and often thinks of us and sends her love.

Felicity has been in hospital again with a broken leg but is home now.

Heather gave Grace some beautiful woolen fabrics for our waggas. Grace and Gill were thrilled. Thank you Heather.

I missed the August birthdays but will include them this month with the September acknowledgments. I am somewhat out of kilter, what with no upcoming quilt shows to tell of, no real news from anywhere. It will be interesting to see if the Darling Harbour show does go ahead at the end of October. I am doubtful.

Sandy has 7 quilts ready to be donated to the Hornsby Womens Shelter next week. It will be interesting to hear how the shelter has been coping.

Blue Jacobs Ladder blocks:

Please bring or send any blocks you have. Jenny and Iris arranged the ones we had on the design wall. Photo below. You have to agree it looks pretty good. It was very nice to see Jenny. She has been unable to come for many weeks.

Show and Tell:

Jacobs Ladder blocks in progress

Gill put squares of corduroy together for a lap quilt for Robyn. Beryl R was feeling cold and wrapped it over her shoulders to warm up. She looked very cosy.

A quilt top donated by Rhonda T. The backing and binding were provided. Judy put it together and quilted it. This is for Community.

Sue D. with three cot quilts for Robyn.

A cot quilt from Robyn S.

The Hunters Hill Public School approached us for a wall hanging to celebrate their 150 year anniversary this year. Iris conceived the idea and with help from Grace, this lovely wall hanging is finished. Iris and I will present it to the Principal next week ready for their celebrations.
Lovely work Iris and many thanks. The jacaranda tree holds special significance for the school.

Until next week .....

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Lots of Quilts

Hi Everyone,

Lindy was in town this week and joined us for our meeting. It was a nice surprise to see her after a long time. Also Gill joined us. We had 20 members this week.

Robyn S. and her group have taken a couple of the quilts that were donated by Rhonda T. to be finished. They found some backing fabric in the cupboard that will suit nicely. 

I have finished another one of Rhonda's and am about to start on a red and green one.

Meg's group will start back from next week. It will be lovely to see them.

It was disappointing that our retreat has been cancelled. Perhaps 2021 will be a better year for us all.

Kathy is preparing a zoom workshop. If you are interested in joining, let me know or call Kathy.

Show and Tell:

Three quilts from Grace for Robyn's refuge.

Four from Lindy.

Baby quilt from Robyn S.

Five very pretty baby quilts from June.

Until next week .....

Friday, 14 August 2020

Another Enjoyable Day

 Hi Everyone,

We had 22 members this week. As you can imagine there was lots of chatter, catching up with each other and genuinely enjoying seeing and speaking to everyone. It is true we are social animals and this virus has brought this very much to the fore.

Thank you to Joy who arrived with two bags of the biggest lemons I have have ever seen. They were a welcome gift and quickly disappeared.

Akiko helped Narelle put together a quilt top that Narelle had bought from Achieve (The Sewing Basket). It is very pretty and will be for Community.

Helena was knitting as she loves to do and does spectacularly. This time it is a cotton top. Ann A. is also a knitter and loves to see the work that the knitters bring in and often wear.

Sandy was busy with her new Community Coordinator job. We have lots of treasures in the cupboards which she is discovering.

News about our Retreat in October:

Both Quilt NSW and Eastwood are going ahead with their retreats at Kurri Kurri this year, as we are.

Narelle has received information about the new rules to be observed. The COVID  situation is being taken very seriously by TAFE NSW.

* Accommodation is single room only.

* The cottages can only have two guests, each with their own bathroom. There are 5 cottages but these have been snapped up by the girls who were present this week. 17 of us have already signed up!

* There are 21 motel rooms - all to be single occupancy. 

* Extra cleaning and sanitation will take place each day in  the accommodation, the conference and eating areas.

* No buffets. All meals will be served by TAFE staff and no service at the bar. Tables will seat 6 persons only.

* Minimum numbers have been reduced to 18 but we can have a maximum of 30.

Prices - Motel $630 and Cottages $440 per person.

It is difficult to plan anything definite these days. I hope all goes well and we can have a fun weekend away in October.

Show and Tell:

A close up of Bev's quilt she made for the Womens' Refuge. Many were fascinated by how the blocks were put together. Hence a ruler appeared and fingers pointed to figure it out. A simple block that looks way more difficult than it is.

A Community quilt from Bev. Lots of vibrant colour.

The full quilt from above.

Until next week .....