Saturday, 10 October 2015


Yes, one week into October, and I can't see where the rest of the year went! 
No time to lose, as they say, so we quilters were busy 'at it' once again. 
There was plenty of interest as Iris pinned the new Zoo quilt up on the design wall.


 It's looking fabulous! See for yourselves .....


All that hard work has been worth it as always. Well done girls!

We had the grand unwrapping of our brand new Accuquilt Go Cutter, which came during the week. Very efficient transaction, and now it's open for business for anyone who wants to use it. We might ask those who have used them before to be on-hand to do small demonstrations and guide newbies through the process. If you have any strips to cut (1 1/2, 2 and 2 1/2 inch wide) bring your fabric along and it will be done in a trice and very accurately. There's also a square and half-square triangle die cutter as well. We can acquire more when and if we see the need. Have a look at the full range if you're  interested.



     Iris and Grace talked us through the amazing gift of fabrics, equipment and 3 partly finished quilts which have been offered to HHQ by Adrienne. The stunning work on the part-finished quilts took our breath away, and I'm sure there will be volunteers eager to continue the construction. 
We are so grateful to Adrienne for this extremely generous gift, and can guarantee her that we will not only give it all a good home, but will treat it all with the same care she obviously did. 
Here is just one of the quilt tops included.....



This week's baby quilt is a cutie made by Karen. Very sweet, and beautiful quilting into the bargain!


Kerry showed a gorgeous quilt constructed from still more of the lovely silk fabric donated by Akiko's mum. That silk donation seems endless! It's a beautiful quilt Kerry, and nicely quilted by Grace to finish of the delight! Well done!


Kathy is off to Houston and will be showcasing her new fabric range designs. She will be taking 5 quilts made from the range, and she showed us some of the bits and pieces. Best of luck Kathy, and we will be thinking of you. I'm sure it will go well. The range - "Flock Together" - is absolutely gorgeous, and very versatile to use.




So, another productive week, and plenty of exciting activities ahead. 

We send best wishes to our good friend Doreen who is in hospital at the moment. I will deliver a card to the hospital on behalf of us all, and we hope to see her well again soon. It has been requested that she have no visits at this stage, and flowers are deemed as a possible problem with breathing etc. I know everyone will be sending their thoughts to her. 

Enjoy this lovely weekend and nice weather next week till we meet again.
Cheers all!

Saturday, 3 October 2015

October Community Day

This is Iris in 'blog' land today.   Grace and I took over 'news' time on Thursday as Elva spent time with her budding quilter apprentice, granddaughter Lucy.

It was good to see all those 'holiday' people back on deck, looking rested and  with lots of great stories.

First big news, is that our Aquaquilt cutter with several cutting mats has been ordered and paid for and expected to be delivered to Elva next week.  

Adrienne W., who is making some changes to her life and doing some de-cluttering, has offered us some quilt tops, fabric from her stash and some books.   Knowing  Adrienne's work,  this is a very generous donation and will be very gratefully received.

Robyn J was one of the returning holiday makers:  Robyn and Graham were caravanning in central Australia and as planned they visited Alice Springs and the Western Desert Dialysis Centre (known locally as the Purple House) and delivered eight quilts.    The centre has two dialysis beds in Alice Springs,  but also a huge truck with three beds that does a 1000km round trip to the outback remote areas providing care.

A picture of the truck which was bought from fund raising activities

Robyn handing over a Marie K. quilt 

So much more  information about the work of  'Purple House' can be found on

Community activity was in full swing on Thursday:

The quilting on the traditional raffle quilt is finished: 
it has been well checked for missing circles.

All hands on deck for the job of sandwiching this quilt top in Japanese silk:  

And a table of  busy 'hand quilters'

A new donation to the Community quilts stash:  
the top was pieced by Marie K and the quilted by Iris

To end September a community quilt was given to the Guide Dogs Association and  another one to Macquarie Hospital.     Two quilts have been promised for Hunters Hill Ryde Community Services for November and some for Stepping Stone House in December,  but we still have more to give.  If you know of any worthy need, for fundraising or for care,  let me know.

Check out our Community page for monthly updates on our donations.

Have a good week, in the sunshine  ...   Cheers Iris.

Sunday, 27 September 2015


It was a cold day outside, but in the hall there was warmth, fun and joyous laughter! We turned 33!
Girls had brought their champagne glasses, and it wasn't long before the corks were popping!

Thoughts turned to 33 years ago when the group first started, small at first, but now a group needing a large hall such as ours! Congratulations everyone, from those who were original members, to all the new faces who have contributed in their individual ways to growing the group to what it has become.

As always we celebrated with a delicious cake,


very expertly divided and served by Kerry and Akiko's. Thanks girls. Jess popped the corks, and Narelle took care of drinks. Thanks to all who helped here and there.


As promised, those who took part in the Jess Challenge of making something from "impossible" fabric
chosen from a lucky dip bag, brought along their valiant efforts for a mini show and tell. Here they are....





                                    Robin S



                                       and Aylsa

Aylsa is looking for some hardy soul to find a creative way to use her counter-change blocks. I've volunteered since I didn't get to make a lucky dip myself. Stay tuned!

We chatted about a name for the finished Contemporary Quilt, and came up with "Licorice Allsorts".
What do you think? It was overwhelmingly voted on by those present. 


Congratulations to Judy and her group on completing this project so well.

Much cake, champagne and stitches all around the hall.........




and finally we held the draw for the five complimentary movie tickets, donated by Giant Steps. 
The winners were - Josie, Jess, Sally, Helena and Iris!
Actually, Jess and Sally we're delighted to win, but can't actually go on that date. They offered them to me, but I also can't make it. So if anyone as a pair or individual is busting to go, please give me a call and the tickets will be yours. First in first served I'm afraid. So call NOW!

On top of everything else, we had some great SHOW AND TELL!

This counter-change quilt was by Kerry, and came from a range of fabric called "The road well travelled".


This gorgeous braided scrappy is being Narelle, and she was working valiantly on it at the retreat. Looking very nice indeed.


Here are two waggas for the next show done by Jess. Jess will be away from us for the rest of the year working! Have fun Jess. We'll miss you. See you next year.

This beautiful one is for the community collection, and done by Gil and Doreen. Fabulous work girls.


Finally two new baby quilts for The Grace Centre, the first done by June, and the second by Robin S, with free-motion quilting by Karen. Very cute indeed!



And so, a great party was enjoyed by all present. Thanks for participating everyone. See you soon!

Monday, 21 September 2015


Hi girls.
Just a quick post this time.

A note that Campbelltown Quilters are having their Biennial Show on the 14 and 15th of November at Campelltown Civic Centre.

Our 33rd birthday party will be this coming Thursday, September, 24th. Bring your 'Jess Challenge' pieces if you have them, and prepare to put your name in the draw for a complimentary movie ticket donated by Giant Steps. They are sending us 5 tickets to a Special Preview Screening of "The Dressmaker", directed by the same director of "How To Make An American Quilt". 
The screening will be on Wednesday, 14th October, at the Hoyts Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park, from 6pm to 9.15pm.
If you are interested in having your name in the draw but can't get to group this week, please let me know by email or phone. I'll also forward on the full email for more info.

Jess has a quilt featured in the current issue of "Quilters Companion", and Jess and Carolyn have quilts featured in coming issues of  "Home Spun Diary". Check them out!

Just the one show and tell piece this week, and it's from Jess - the final finished Wagga she's been working on. Looking stunning!


Cheers everyone. See you at the party!

Monday, 14 September 2015

SEPTEMBER 10th 2015

Hi all. Not a great deal of news to talk about this week, and a very small Show & Tell. Nevertheless, every Thursday get-together is fun.

Just a reminder that next Thursday, 17th is the deadline for contributions towards the Lord Mayor's Picnic Quilt. Hand any remaining ones to Iris so the serious designing can begin. Those that have come in already are very impressive indeed, and it will be fun playing around with the layout. It looks like yet another stunning result for this yearly endeavour!

Thanks to Heather who has donated a set of various sized hexagon plastic templates which came from an elderly lady's quilting room clear-out. They have been placed in the equipment cupboard for general use. Help yourself.

Joy now has only one date in October which is not covered for kitchen duty. I think it's the 18th, but check the dates on the cupboard list to be sure. 

Our 33rd birthday will be celebrated at a party on Thursday, 24th September. Bring a glass and your "Jess lucky dip challenge" item if you did one and still have it! Some people are still working on theirs to add to the mix. Should be fun.
In addition to that, there will be an 'unveiling' of the final version of the Contemporary Quilt. Judy has asked if people can give some thought to a name for the quilt, and we can make that decision at the party. Start having a think.

That's pretty much all of the news. Now for just two items of Show & Tell. It was such a HUGE collection last time that we must have exhausted the supply!

This little baby quilt was made and donated by Barbara Ward, a friend of the group and one of the CWA ladies who comes now and then to collect donated quilts. Thanks Barb! It's really cute.


The final one is a quilt top done by Joy from a Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt challenge through "Quiltville". A lot of work Joy, and quite stunning. Can't wait to see the final product.


So there you have it for another week. Look forward to seeing you all again soon.

Sunday, 6 September 2015


A good turn out for community day. Plenty of activity throughout the hall. 

We need volunteers to fill the kitchen duty roster for October 8 and 15. So if you haven't done one this year yet and your name isn't down for the rest of the year, check your diary and see if you can't help out. Cheers.

The new edition of the Template Magazine has arrived, together with our membership of the Guild card. Help yourself to a browse of the library copy when next you're at Quilters. 

Thanks to Helen, we now have a new stock of wadding in the cupboard. Thanks Helen!

The Traditional Quilt is still doing the rounds. Thanks to all those who have taken a turn. June did her stint and handed it over this week to Robyn S, so see Robyn next week if you're ready to have a go. Getting near the end of the quilting now! Thanks all.

It was decided that we will celebrate our birthday this year on Thursday, 24th September. We plan to eat drink and be merry, and also have a small 'showing' of the Jess challenge pieces. So on the day, bring along whatever you made from your lucky dip fabric, and a glass to share a celebratory tipple.

Progress is being made towards the purchase of our Accuquilt Go cutting machine. Updates soon!


Quite an extensive session this week, so settle back and enjoy the show!

First off, we saw three gorgeous new baby quilts for the Grace Centre. These will be much appreciated.


Next came a collaboration between Val and Iris to put together a 'doggy' themed quilt for the community collection. Very cute indeed.


Iris then showed three quilts done for the community collection by Pamela R (a previous member). Very lovely work they are too.




Iris then showed a block of the month quilt she has done from the Flower Garden. The quilting is a major feature and is beautiful. 


Helen displayed a quilt she has made for her daughter-in-law who has just returned from a trip to Europe, which explains the themed fabric. Gorgeous.


The next quilt displayed was by Jenny B from her "How Fragile" quilt series (see the current issue of the Template page 9 for the full article). Some fascinating concepts. The fabric details and history in this quilt demonstrate the depth of feeling and memory in historic quilts. Thanks Jenny.


And the spectacular showing went on.....
Below is a labyrinth quilt done by Karen. This took everyone's breath away by its outstanding design and fantastic construction!


It's another one of Karen's which needs to be seen (up close) to be believed! Outstanding!

Next Jessica showed a fabulous Wagga to add to the collection. Quite a stunning result. Well done Jess.


Jess followed this up with a quilt done at a workshop by Deb Laurie on machine quilting. A very nice result it is too.


Finally Margaret D showed a quilt top put together in a week by Maree K from blocks Margaret says she made years ago. Sometimes it takes a friend to help bring old favourites back to life! Lovely result.


Well, as I said at the start, it was a mega show and tell week. A veritable feast of quilts!

So, for now that's all folks! See you all again soon. Cheers.