Sunday, 6 September 2015


A good turn out for community day. Plenty of activity throughout the hall. 

We need volunteers to fill the kitchen duty roster for October 8 and 15. So if you haven't done one this year yet and your name isn't down for the rest of the year, check your diary and see if you can't help out. Cheers.

The new edition of the Template Magazine has arrived, together with our membership of the Guild card. Help yourself to a browse of the library copy when next you're at Quilters. 

Thanks to Helen, we now have a new stock of wadding in the cupboard. Thanks Helen!

The Traditional Quilt is still doing the rounds. Thanks to all those who have taken a turn. June did her stint and handed it over this week to Robyn S, so see Robyn next week if you're ready to have a go. Getting near the end of the quilting now! Thanks all.

It was decided that we will celebrate our birthday this year on Thursday, 24th September. We plan to eat drink and be merry, and also have a small 'showing' of the Jess challenge pieces. So on the day, bring along whatever you made from your lucky dip fabric, and a glass to share a celebratory tipple.

Progress is being made towards the purchase of our Accuquilt Go cutting machine. Updates soon!


Quite an extensive session this week, so settle back and enjoy the show!

First off, we saw three gorgeous new baby quilts for the Grace Centre. These will be much appreciated.


Next came a collaboration between Val and Iris to put together a 'doggy' themed quilt for the community collection. Very cute indeed.


Iris then showed three quilts done for the community collection by Pamela R (a previous member). Very lovely work they are too.




Iris then showed a block of the month quilt she has done from the Flower Garden. The quilting is a major feature and is beautiful. 


Helen displayed a quilt she has made for her daughter-in-law who has just returned from a trip to Europe, which explains the themed fabric. Gorgeous.


The next quilt displayed was by Jenny B from her "How Fragile" quilt series (see the current issue of the Template page 9 for the full article). Some fascinating concepts. The fabric details and history in this quilt demonstrate the depth of feeling and memory in historic quilts. Thanks Jenny.


And the spectacular showing went on.....
Below is a labyrinth quilt done by Karen. This took everyone's breath away by its outstanding design and fantastic construction!


It's another one of Karen's which needs to be seen (up close) to be believed! Outstanding!

Next Jessica showed a fabulous Wagga to add to the collection. Quite a stunning result. Well done Jess.


Jess followed this up with a quilt done at a workshop by Deb Laurie on machine quilting. A very nice result it is too.


Finally Margaret D showed a quilt top put together in a week by Maree K from blocks Margaret says she made years ago. Sometimes it takes a friend to help bring old favourites back to life! Lovely result.


Well, as I said at the start, it was a mega show and tell week. A veritable feast of quilts!

So, for now that's all folks! See you all again soon. Cheers.

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