Saturday 20 February 2021

Successful AGM

 Hi Everyone,

We had a successful AGM this week.  Thank you to Ros and Iris for chairing the meeting. In 2020 we had a paid up membership of 55.

We hung the Show Raffle quilts for Iris to photograph for publicity. Respecting the social distancing rules not all of us could be photographed together unfortunately.

A reminder that 2021 fees are now due. $110 to be paid online or given to Akiko.

I was very impressed with the reports given at the meeting. They were all excellent. Thank you to all committee members.

We are going to have a Show Committee meeting on March 11 at 9 am. If anyone has any input about the show please talk to me or Alison.  

Show and Tell:

A final puppet shot - Geppetto

Baby quilt from Bev

Baby quilt from Judy

Three cot quilts from Laurel for the Robyn's refuge.

Val gave us a rather large quilt to be finished. Due to its size, Ros decided to make it into two quilts.
A sterling effort Ros. Thank you.

The wall hanging I promised a week or so ago. Elva is working it for a friend. A Wendy William's design.

Until next week .......

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