Friday, 29 January 2021

Another Happy Gathering

 Hi Everyone,

Thanks to Deb for standing in for me last week. My husband  and I had a 3 day break on the South Coast. Very pleasant and relaxing. 

Despite the rain, we had 28 members come this week. There is always so much to talk about.  We are very lucky to have such a group.  A chance to leave the world's troubles behind and simply enjoy each others' company.


Kerry has emailed the agenda for our AGM to be held on 18 February.

If you are not rostered on that day, Helena will organise a zoom meeting for those who would like to watch from home.

Special congratulations to June and her husband who celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary on 27 January. 

Marie G had a clean out this week and came across photos from a fire that burnt the interior of the Hunters Hill Town Hall in 1978. The council relocated to Fairland Hall for their meetings and business until the hall was gutted and renovated.

Robyn reminded us that Mothers Day was coming in May. She would like to take many baby quilts to Westmead before the date. The quilts are popular as gifts on the day for the new mothers.

Show and Tell:

Carolyn brought in 10 more baby quilts. All lovely fabrics.

Iris has finished this one. All hand quilted.

A quilt from Grace. Grace quilted it with vertical lines which gave it a nice soft feel.

Jenny has finished her Bonnie Hunter design quilt for a family member. It is a very large quilt. A major effort Jenny.

Sheila made a Feathered Star block a while ago. She then decided to finish the quilt using shot cottons and a pretty turquoise colour. A lovely quilt.

Until next week ........

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