Saturday 22 February 2020

Reminders and Housekeeping

Hullo Everyone,

We had 23 members at the Scout Hall this week. The lighting is excellent and the hall is smaller which allows for more banter between the tables which I enjoy. We seem to move around more to chat. It was a very pleasant meeting.

No word on when we can return to Fairland Hall. Jenny will send out an email to everyone as soon as we have word from Council.


Narelle handed out the details for our retreat in May. If anyone would like the information, please email Narelle and she will forward a copy to you. We require a minimum of 20.

 As it is our show year, it will be a great opportunity to work on your show quilt.

Quilts to sell :

Suzie has asked me to remind everyone that she needs quilts to sell at the show. We usually have 900 or so people attend the show and many of the quilts are sold.

Entry Forms for our show:

The entry forms for our show will be handed out or emailed on April 9. These are to be returned by May 7.
Everyone is expected to enter a quilt in our show.
There are maximum and minimum sizes. These details will be on the form.
Please be aware that anything you have copied or been influenced by in the making of your quilt, must be acknowledged.

QuiltNSW Show:

The Guild will be holding their annual show from 17-21 June at the International Exhibition Centre Sydney, Darling Harbour.
If you wish to enter a quilt in their show, you will have to apply on line by 9 March.

Hunters Hill Quilters have applied for a Stand at the show for Friday 19 June. Days for Girls will share the Stand with us.
We will also enter our two Raffle Quilts in the show.

Baby Wadding:

Jenny has the wadding for any baby quilts. Perhaps contact Jenny before the  meeting to make sure.

No Show and Tell this week, Sorry!

Until next week .......

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