Saturday, 8 June 2019

June Community Day

It was an exciting day for the Hunters Hill Quilters to see Christie putting the raffle quilt together and there was lots of Show and Tell.
Sheila has finished her knotted rag rug...
Sheila's knotted rag rug
Beryl R. who broke her finger a few weeks ago, needed something to do so she made a quilt for Barry the Dog who we are told is not terribly fussy about the quality of the quilting:

Beryl B. has made this stunning Millefiori quilt without using any papers...
Millefiori Quilt by Beryl R.
 Then there were lots of baby quilts for the Grace Centre from Carolyn, Alison, and her friend Annie...
Baby quilt by Carolyn
Baby quilt by Carolyn
Baby quilt by Carolyn
Baby quilt by Carolyn

Baby quilt by Alison
Baby quilt by Alison

Baby quilt by Annie
Baby quilt by Annie

Baby quilt by Annie

Baby quilt by Annie
Baby quilt by Annie and Alison
Baby quilt by Annie and Alison

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