Friday, 22 February 2019

Handover of Committee Duties

Hi Everyone,

We enjoyed the cooler weather today with some welcome rain for our gardens.
As positions had come vacant, there was a general handover to the new committee members.
We had another busy meeting as well as lots of talk and show and tell.

Sensory Mats for Children:

Iris has made the cutest crocheted octopuses (octopi) for the sensory mats for young children.
Many of the sensory mats that Robyn Jnst has made were on display. One mat had a little car attached, a tunnel and a garage for the child to play with.
There seems no end to Robyn's imagination and all the mats are special.

Shelter for Mothers and Babies:

Robyn has also been asked to make cot quilts for young children at a Shelter.

The quilts should be 40" by 50" or close to. There are a number of novelty prints at the hall for anyone to use.

Workshop March 7th:

Alison has found a number of fabrics in our cupboard that could be used to make her Amish Rag Rug on Community Day next month.
Cut any selvedges off the fabric first and tear or cut into 1 1/2" strips.
There is absolutely no sewing involved, only knots all done by hand.
It should be fun.

Future Shows:

For those who like to plan ahead, there are two popular shows to be held in April.

* The AQC in Melbourne will be held from April 11 - 14 in the Royal Exhibition Building, Carlton Gardens, Melbourne.

* The 13th Springwood Community Show will be held from 26 - 28 April at Springwood High School Hall.

Show and Tell:

First we have a baby quilt made by Grace for her grandchild which is due next month. The idea came from Elmo the Baby Elephant books. They are so cute.

Jenny showed us her Bunnie Hunter Mystery Quilt 2018 called Good Fortune.
Jenny finished the quilt in record time.
The instructions were to make 240  1" squares but only about 100 of these were required. So Jenny incorporated the 'leftovers' into the backing which is as colourful as the front.
This is a quilt for Community.
Thank you Jenny.

Joy showed us this very colourful quilt she has made for her grandson. Her grandson chose all the fabrics. He has done a great job.

Helena has made this beautiful quilt based on Kathy Doughty's pattern "Liberty Fields".
It is a lovely pattern and one I intend to make sometime.
Helena crocheted the stems which looks perfect.

Marie G. made this quilt from shirt fabric samples she found in the cupboard. It shows what you can do with bits and pieces. This one I believe is for Community so thank you Marie.

Until next week .....

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