Sunday, 18 February 2018

Annual General Meeting

We had our Annual General Meeting this week. The 2018 committee members were elected.  It was Elva's last day as President. A big thank you to Elva for the last 4 years. She has left big shoes for me to fill.

Helena designed a quilt for Elva as thanks for the last 4 years. Each member made a block and embroidered her name on it. It was a lovely surprise. We all had fun looking at it and finding the names on each block.

We had lots of Show and Tell this week.

Lindy made this fox cot quilt. The fox design is very popular. It always looks stunning and this is no exception.

Robyn J made this lovely blue quilt for her son. Robyn hopes it will give him the hint to propose to his girlfriend.

This pretty quilt was made by Sheila for the Grace Centre. Thank you Sheila.

Ellen showed us her hexagon quilt. I forgot to ask her how many hexagons are in the quilt. I am sure Ellen kept count! So much work and a wonderful result.

Meg held up this pretty cot quilt she had finished for her brand new great granddaughter.  It is so soft and pretty with the Tinkerbell fairies. Understandably there has been much excitement at the arrival of Meg's first great granddaughter.

A busy day for us all. Looking forward to next week,

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