Hi Everyone,
Today was the last day quilt entries will be accepted for our show. Iris is now busy collating all the forms and information to be handed on to various show committee members. The show brochures have been printed and collected. Thanks to John for the photography and brochure design and to Deb T for coordinating with John and organising the printing.
Robyn Ja. hand sewed a quilt for her grandson who is a fan of the Beatles the fabrics are based from the albums Yellow Submarine, Help! and Rubber Soul.
Quilt Show
2nd - 4th August @ Hunters Hill Town Hall - 22 Alexandra Street, Hunters Hill
😃83 days till our show 😃
🧵Next Show Committee Meeting will be 16th May.
Narelle is taking names for our Retreat in September, so if you are interested see Narelle at quilting and she will give you a form to complete. The Retreat will be held at St Joseph’s Spirituality & Educational Centre, 8 Humphrey Road Kincumber South on 6th - 8th September.
The New Quilt 2024 - Hawkesbury Regional Gallery 4 May - 23 June (Grace is a Selected Artist)
Show & Tell
Robyn Ja. made a quilt for her Beatles loving grandson
16th May Show Committee Meeting @1pm
6th June Community Day
4th July Community Day
1st August Bump in day for Quilt Show
2nd - 4th August Quilt Show @ Hunters Hill Town Hall
5th September Community Day
6th - 8th September Retreat Weekend @ St Joseph’s Kincumber
12th September HHQ Birthday Party & presenting a cheque to RizeUp - please bring your own glass for some bubbles
3rd October Community Day
7th November Community Day
Christmas Party date to be confirmed
Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy