Hi Everyone,
It was good to have such a big roll up this week. A new member, Dawn joined us as well.
I spoke to Marie G. yesterday. She has been unwell for a while now but remains very positive. A family member reads the Blog to her so she can keep up to date with all our news.
Carolyn and Robyn S. also have not been well.
We all send our love and best wishes and look forward to seeing you back at Quilting very soon.
Some of you heard Gill and her daughter being interviewed on ABC radio on Sunday morning during Simon Marnie's programme. Unfortunately I was tied up with helping a friend being discharged from hospital and couldn't let you all know in time. I should have thought of our WhatsApp group. The interview was delightful and Gill spoke very well.
A reminder from Narelle re the retreat. We need 20 attendees so think about coming if you are free. It is a fun weekend and in lovely grounds where kangaroos run free.
Message from Akiko. Our HHQ bank account has been closed. We now have a new account for any transfers of money. Ros will email everyone with the details.
We have lost our step ladder. I checked with the Town Hall but couldn't find it. Robyn Jnst has offered us a replacement that she does not want. Thank you Robyn.
We will have our 40th Birthday party on 22 September. Please remember to bring a glass as we have very few plastic ones left.
It was lovely to have Helena back this week from her long holiday.
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