Friday, 2 September 2022

1st September 2022

 Hi Everyone,

It was good to have such a big roll up this week. A new member, Dawn joined us as well.

I spoke to Marie G. yesterday. She has been unwell for a while now but remains very positive. A family member reads the Blog to her so she can keep up to date with all our news. 

Carolyn and Robyn S. also have not been well. 

We all send our love and best wishes and look forward to seeing you back at Quilting very soon. 

Some of you heard Gill and her daughter being interviewed on ABC radio on Sunday morning during Simon Marnie's programme. Unfortunately I was tied up with helping a friend being discharged from hospital and couldn't let you all know in time. I should have thought of our WhatsApp group. The interview was delightful and Gill spoke very well.

A reminder from Narelle re the retreat. We need 20 attendees so think about coming if you are free. It is a fun weekend and in lovely grounds where kangaroos run free.

Message from Akiko. Our  HHQ bank account has been closed. We now have a new account for any transfers of money. Ros will email everyone with the details.

We have lost our step ladder. I checked with the Town Hall but couldn't find it. Robyn Jnst has offered us a replacement that she does not want. Thank you Robyn.

We will have our 40th Birthday party on 22 September. Please remember to bring a glass as we have very few plastic ones left.

It was lovely to have Helena back this week from her long holiday. 

Show and Tell:

Merlyn made this using only fabric from her stash. Her daughter will use it as a picnic throw when at sporting events

Alison and her friend made this beautiful quilt for Alison's daughter. They made a wedding ring quilt when her daughter was married. This is a lovely change for her.

This pretty quilt was made from orphan blocks. Lindy, Grace and Iris added bits and pieces. Grace quilted it.

Until next week ......

Saturday, 27 August 2022

25 August, 2022

 Hi Everyone,

It was pleasing to see so many this week. Kathy called in and stayed a while. She is always full of ideas and energy. I don't know how she does it.

Items from the show were still being returned. We have more room in the kitchen cupboards now which has eased storage somewhat.

Akiko is waiting for more information from the bank before she can finalise the amount we will be able to donate to our two charities. 
Like everything these days, our rent has gone up. We will also return to our normal annual membership fee next year. 

After Show Committee Meeting:

Reports were received from those in charge of their areas. 

Stage sales were quite a bit higher than last show as were Waggas. Both these areas are important and always the most lucrative. The cafe comes out about even but is the most popular area of the show. The tables and new organisation worked well and made order taking and food delivery easier.

Akiko changed the cash delivery to each section which made it a lot easier for her to keep track.

Raffle ticket sales were down. This was partly due to the fact that a number of members don't come very often. This made it difficult to get the tickets to them. 

Since the show we have had an enquiry about joining; how to hang a beautiful quilt a lady bought at the show; asking for help with sewing wool and thick seams.

I urge you all to become involved with the show. It is a rewarding experience. With more of you involved there will be fresh ideas and suggestions. An example this year was Sue hiring a Go-Get van to pick up and take back the frames. The frames are extremely heavy when packed into their groups. It has always been a problem backing a trailer into the small delivery area at the Hall. Such innovations make everything a little easier.


Narelle handed out the  details for our retreat in October 14-16. Please grab one if you missed out. The prices have gone up but when you think about the meals, morning and afternoon teas etc it is still good value.

Baby Quilts:

We were delighted to see Olivia from Little Wonder arrive this week to collect 40 more quilts. I assume they are for their Father's Day gift bags.  She will be back in October for another lot and then in November  for the purple quilts. They are a very busy group.

Show and Tell:

A quilt for the Ukraine from Marie K.

Cot quilt from Jane

Cot quilt from Sue D.

Until next week ......

Saturday, 20 August 2022

18 August 2022

 Hi Everyone,

We had a small group at our meeting this week. Perhaps many are recovering from our show.

Narelle has booked our retreat for 14,15,16 October at Kurri Kurri. A minimum number of 20 is required for this.

Elva demonstrated the little felt hearts we have been requested to make. If you would like to participate, Elva has templates for sizing etc. The money earned from selling the hearts is for charity. 

The Show Committee will meet on 25th of this month for our after show wrap up.  It was interesting to have feedback from some of our members this week. Apparently there were questions from some visitors about the Banner across the freeway that we used to hang. The reason we no longer do that is because it is heavy and difficult to hang from the bridge overpass, especially if it is windy; insurance is extreme as you can imagine if it blew off onto cars below; and it was expensive to have the dates replaced for every show.

We received comments that Hunters Hill residents were unaware of the dates of our show. We had advertised in TWT which many in the area read. However the article was not very prominent and easy to miss.

Another suggestion was that the Bunting needs to be hung at the corner near the Gun Sculpture, as well as at the front of the Town Hall. This would catch your eye as you drive past. A number of visitors remarked on the brightness of the bunting which worked well.

Apparently some people had difficulty locating the Town Hall. Maybe we could put a map on the back of our brochure as Eastwood Quilters did for their new show venue.

It is helpful to receive feedback from the public and your friends so we can improve every year.

No show and tell this week.

Until next week .....

Monday, 15 August 2022

2022 Show

 Hi Everyone,

A big thank you to everyone for helping with the setup and take down and running of our show. All went smoothly.

Thank you to our Judge, Roseanna Gallo OAM who chose the winning quilts, guided expertly by Coleen. It is difficult choosing from such a wonderful display. 

I received many nice comments about the quilts, the layout and of course the scones. Who doesn't love a scone with jam and cream.

The weekend was a lot of hard work but well worth the effort. 703 guests came. Kathy remarked that everyone leaving had a smile on their face!

The kitchen is always a busy area. Hats off to Narelle and Ros and those who worked in the kitchen, including Kerry, the best sandwich organiser ever! 

Sue managed to simplify the job of picking up and dropping back the frames. Hiring a GoGet van worked like a charm. The lighting people were great as well.

Grace sold many Waggas and Wagga kits. The stitching area was welcome and a respite often for tired legs.

Suzie's stage sales were spectacular. We almost sold out on the first day. Thank you to Susan H. also who was the perfect partner on the stage.

So many to thank: Jonquil and Robyn raffle sales; Iris Publicity and History section, the printing, tags for quilts, certificates etc., Elva and her husband for the drinks stand; Akiko for providing change for door sales etc as well as working in the kitchen; the Museum staff for volunteering to open the Museum so we could view our Bicentenary quilt; and of course Kathy and her generous support; Husbands and family members; the show committee. 

Raffle Quilts:

Our raffle quilts were won by two ladies who were excited and happy to receive them. The first one chose the black and white "Splashes of Colour". She is also a great friend of Laurel. The second lady was just thinking where she could put the Traditional Quilt, "Gentle Harmony" when Alison called to tell her she had won it. Two very happy winners.


We will distribute profit from the show between our two Charities - Days for Girls and The Womens' Shelter at Hornsby. Both speakers from these two groups spoke eloquently. We are very pleased that we can give these worthwhile charities a helping hand.

Show and Tell:

The Wagga Corner:

Kathy's new quilt kit

The prizes for the lucky winners

The lucky winners

 Hunters Hill Mayor on Stage to officially open our show

More of the Stage area

Joy's quilt which attracted a lot of attention

Until next week .....

Saturday, 30 July 2022

All Ready

 Hi Everyone,

As many of you know we were shut out of Fairland Hall again this week. The council did not have the courtesy to let me know. 

I had specifically asked that we have access for these last two weeks but my request fell on deaf ears.

The Hall is being re-roofed and painted. I will phone Council early the week after our show to check access status. 

I will contact everyone on WhatsApp and phone those who are not on WhatsApp.

The good outcome from meeting at the Town Hall has been our ability to check out bits and pieces for our show. So not all has been lost.

Message from Narelle:

If you are unable to come at your promised roster time over the weekend, please call me so we can arrange a replacement. 

If you have forgotten your rostered time call Narelle.

Wagga Area:

Grace will have a small stitching area in the Wagga space if anyone needs a break and a sit down.

Grace has two Waggas  to display with a written tribute to Doreen. Doreen introduced our group to the Wagga and was passionate about them.

Name Badges: 

Don't forget to wear your name badge.

Fire Sale for Members:

We will hold a Fire sale after the show for any items not sold. This will be in either Fairland Hall or the Town Hall depending on where we can meet.

Show and Tell:

Two Japanese style quilts from Marie K to be sold at the show.

Good luck and have fun at the show .......

Sunday, 24 July 2022

Almost Ready

Hi Everyone,

We are busy with last minute details for our Show. There are still spots left on the Roster Sheet so if you haven't yet put your name down please do so.

The two quilts we are raffling this year are spectacular so keep selling the tickets. The traditional quilt is called 'Gentle Harmony' and the contemporary one 'Splashes of Colour'.

Things to BUY at the Show:

Suzie L. and her team have made amazing and wonderful items for sale. There are plenty of quilts of various sizes to choose from as well as 'must buy' items. You will find it hard to choose!

Narelle and Ros offer High Teas, sandwiches, cakes and slices as well as tea and coffee from the kitchen. All absolutely yummy!

Bicentennial Quilt:

On Wednesday evening some of us were at the Town Hall for the launch of our Bicentennial Quilt. It is now hanging in the museum. It attracted a lot of attention and looks amazing close up.

We are grateful to Hunters Hill Council for their support and enthusiasm regarding the quilt. Local residents were kept busy identifying the various houses, boats etc. depicted on the quilt.

The museum will be open for us on Opening Night but we will rely on museum staff volunteers for the rest of the weekend. We are hoping it will become a permanent display at the museum.

Baby quilts:

We have a large number of baby quilts ready for donation. Unfortunately Westmead has no requirements at the moment and RPA has not returned for more.

We will therefore switch to making cot size quilts that Robyn Jnst. can distribute. The best size is 40" x 50". There are many lovely designs available which gives us more scope to make some great quilts.

Large single bed quilts can also be donated. We do need to find other outlets though.

Show and Tell:

Baby quilt from Jane

Two baby quilts from Judy

Part of our Bicentennial Quilt which will now hang in the Hunters Hill Museum. 

Until next week .....

Monday, 18 July 2022

July 14, 2022

 Hi Everyone,

I went to the Eastwood Quilt Show on Saturday. Their venue is huge! They are very lucky to have it. Many beautiful quilts on show and a large balcony area for the Cafe. There were four or so shops to buy quilting needs and fabric squares etc.

Friday was a very busy day for them. Their members had made sandwiches from 25 loaves of bread and they ran out! It was a lot quieter on the Saturday.

 A bundle of our flyers were on the entrance desk. We thank them for their help in advertising our show in August.

Bicentennial Quilt Display:

Council has told me that our Bicentennial Quilt is now hanging in the Museum and looks fantastic.

They intend to have the Museum open for our opening night so make sure you and your guests check it out. It will be displayed over the weekend depending on how many museum volunteers are available.

Selling Show tickets:

Don't forget that we have a prize for the most show tickets sold by a member. 

In the past Meg and Helena have been our best sellers.

Show and Tell:

Some of Carolyn's 10 baby quilts.

Three baby quilts from Sue D.

A pretty quilt from Sue D. for  her granddaughter in the UK who is moving into her 'big' bed.

Until next week ....