Friday, 6 August 2021

Quilting in lockdown

Iris here,    we all know that lockdown does not stop us from sewing.   

During last lockdown we had sewing challenges.  Remember Jenny's Jacob's ladder and Grace's Our house in lockdown challenge, this time Suzie has set the challenge:  6-inch pinwheels.

Rules and directions  ...  

Each block is made with 4 Flying Geese using a variety of florals and contrasting plains stitched with white or white-on-white.   (Not creams)     The picture says it better than me.

Suzie's cutting instructions are,  White - 4 x (2 x 3 1/2) inches,  Florals - 4 x (2 x 3 1/2) inches and contrasting plains - 8 x 2inch squares.      When using the flip method to make the Flying Geese, trim the extra layers.   Use the picture to make sure that the blocks have the correct rotation.

(Note - any mistakes in these instructions are most likely mine,  not Suzie's) 

Though our 'What's App' chat, many blocks are already made,  but Alison sewed for Gold with 35 blocks!  

Kerry shared this map of her daily travel journey in lockdown .....

and a friend of mine,  sent me this guide to Travel in 2021.    Enjoy

And as I'm here,  a plug for our facebook page.   Please, click below to  come and 'like' or 'follow' our new page, updated frequently with news and pictures of our activity  💝

                                                          Our Facebook Page

Stay safe, everyone.

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Check out our new Facebook Page

Several months ago, hackers caused havoc with our 5-year old  Facebook page.  Despite all efforts to fix the problem,  we eventually had to make the decision to move-on and create a new page.    We would love to see our 500 friends and followers back with us.

Our new page is       

(Our previous page was called  HuntersHillQuiltersNSW,   we dropped the NSW)

Please come and join us again.     

Covid lockdown may stop our physical meetings,  but doesn't stop our creative activities

Our latest Facebook post included this picture of Ros's 36 Teddies and the story behind them  ...

Thank you,    Iris,

HuntersHillQuilters,   Facebook Administrator.

Friday, 18 June 2021

NSWQuilt Show

 Hi Everyone,

HHQ has received and accepted an invitation from QuiltNSW to host a stand at their show on Saturday July 3.

Please stop by if you are at the show that day. Tell all your friends. The hours are from 10am to 4 pm.

Kelly's Bush:

On June 17 1971, dedicated conservationists were successful in their campaign to save the area of urban bushland from incoming development.

They are having a celebration on-site on August 29 with special guests, guided walks, tree planting, an art show, stalls, food, coffee and more. 

I believe Doreen was a Friend of Kelly's Bush.

You need to register. Let me know if you would like the information.

Wagga Talk:

Grace is giving a wagga talk at the Guild on July 9. Everyone welcome. If you have a wagga that you would like to show please let me know.

Show and Tell:

Two quilts from Judy for teenage boys at Bear Cottage.
The patterns are from the book "Nine-Patch Revolution" by Jenifer Dick and Angela Walters.

A lovely quilt from Alison for her daughter. It is modified from a pattern called A Tribute to Jane Austen by Margaret Sampson-George way back in 1997.
Kaffe Fasset's blue millefiore fabric has been used for the border. 

A 'crazy' hat from Ann who attended a knitting group at the weekend. She won first prize! 

Baby quilt from Lindy in Aboriginal prints.

Baby quilt from Sheila

Community quilt from Narelle using fabric from Achieve.

Two baby quilts from Sue D. made from orphan blocks.

Two of the cutest skirts for Sue's granddaughter, both fully reversible.

Until next week ....

Sunday, 13 June 2021

Kawandi quilting and nearly a kilometre of binding!

This week saw a smaller turnout due to rainy weather and Thursday was close to being the coldest June day on record.

Our scheduled Quilt Show meeting was deferred until next week due to a couple of absences.

Grace gave us a wonderful demonstration of “Kawandi” quilting. Whereas Kantha quilting tends to quilt in parallel lines with raw edges, Kawandi is a method of sewing from the outer side to the middle whilst turning over raw edges of fabric pieces which have been tucked under the existing pieces of fabric already sewn down,around the border, to the backing and wadding.

Here are some an examples:

A reminder of the retreat to be held at the Hunter Valley Hotel Academy from Friday 15 October to Sunday 17 October. Please let Narelle know if you are interested.

Carolyn brought in another 10 baby quilts for the Grace Centre at Westmead Hospital. This brings Carolyn’s total to over 300 quilts. We all expressed our amazement at the amount of binding this represented....nearly a kilometre of binding!

Until next week.

Deb T

Friday, 4 June 2021

Treats to Share

 Hi Everyone,

Narelle and Lindy arrived with bags of mandarins and avocadoes for us to share this week. We are very spoilt with goodies from members gardens. All delicious and very much appreciated.

A rainy Thursday saw numbers down this week. As it is the first meeting of the month many were working on their quilts for Community.

Grace's group put together a wagga as a tribute to Doreen. Earlier she had brought in squares of woollen material for us to put onto a bigger square using blanket stitch. Her group then put the three layers together and tied it. A busy group. The photo below is the result.

Meg's group are working on a new project which looked very pretty.

There was much discussion in Alison's group putting hexagons together.! Robyn Jms saved the day! I look forward to the finished product.

Workshop next week:

Grace has kindly offered to do a workshop to show us Kawandi stitching which uses a running stitch in a circular fashion and works from the outside in.

We will do a place mat size. So bring along thread and scissors.

A longer needle is preferable to go through the three layers. A long embroidery needle is ideal. Bring scraps of fabric, no smaller than 2" or 2 1/2" strips or larger size squares of fabric, wadding, and pearl thread.

We will kick off at 11 am. Should be fun.

Craft Show at Homebush.

You can purchase tickets to the show online. It will be in the Dome at the Showground - no stairs and on the level.

There will be parking or go by train or bus. Looking forward to it.


We almost have 20 going to our retreat in October. See Narelle if you would like to go.

Show and Tell:

I really slipped up this week: Forgot to photograph Lindy's baby quilt ( will include next week) and I took a photo of the back of Doreen's quilt to show the stitching in process. Then forgot to photograph the front. What a nit wit I am. 

 All will be rectified next week! I do apologise.

Until next week ....

Monday, 31 May 2021

A Surprise Visitor

 Hi Everyone,

A little late with the blog this week. A busy weekend for me. 

A good roll up this week which is always good to see. Margaret D. surprised us with a visit. Carolyn especially was pleased to see her and catch up with her news. She and Margaret have been friends from the very beginning of Hunters Hill Quilters.

Sydney radio ABC has been running a flood appeal for the victims of the recent floods in the Hawkesbury region. A lot of money has been donated by the public. Sandy noticed that they were asking for quilts. Sandy and Alison sorted the quilts from the cupboards ready to donate. Photos of all the quilts had to be sent. Sandy will have some news for us this week hopefully. We can give a total of 16 quilts.

Retreat - Friday 15 October to Sunday 17 October:

Narelle has contacted Kurri Kurri re our retreat this October. The prices will stay the same as last time. Narelle has a printout that she can send you if you would like to have one. A minimum of 20 is required.

To reserve a place, call the TAFE on 4936 0341 and tell them you are from Hunters Hill Quilters and the date of our retreat.

Anything else contact Narelle.

Something different:

We all know of Kantha stitching. Grace has been doing something slightly different called Kawandi stitching which is a hand-stitched quilt, made from scrap fabric. It is assembled from the outside in. The edges are turned under and stitched together, and batting laid inside.Then quilting proceeds in a spiralling line, about a finger width apart.

Grace has kindly agreed to  do a workshop for those who are interested. Akiko also has a nifty little surprise for us as well.

Details later.

Show and Tell:

A bit light on this week unfortunately. It seems it is a feast or a famine. Thanks to Carolyn and her baby quilts we have 9 to show this week.

Until next week .....

Saturday, 22 May 2021

Lots of Activity

Please note that you will no longer receive this blog through the old email subsription service. If you wish to receive our news through email, click on the green Follow us by email button.

 Hi Everyone,

We were a busy group this week with lots to talk about and sew. Hayley has arrived back in Sydney and it was lovely to see her again. We will see more of her now that she is closer. The cold weather is a bit of a shock for her as she is used to the hot and humid weather in the Torres Strait.

Marie K brought in more lemons from her tree. They were gratefully accepted. Marie has promised more next week as her tree is loaded. A treat for us all. 

Heather brought me a couple of chokoes. I love them but my husband doesn't. They are not very popular. Dad used to grow them so I got to like them when I was quite young.

Alison has called a show committee meeting for 10 June to discuss plans for our show next May. 

Meanwhile the QuiltNSW show is something for us all to look forward to. It is on from 30 June to 4 July at the Sydney Olympic park centre.

Narelle has been looking into places for our retreat - hopefully in October. She will have some news for us this coming week.

Show and Tell:

Only two quilts to photograph this week. This is the back of one of Susan H.'s cot quilts. The top house has been embroidered by Susan. She does beautiful embroidery and makes it look so easy.

Beryl R has finished her cot quilt. Hand quilted and very pretty.

So that's all folks until next week .......