Saturday, 22 May 2021

Lots of Activity

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 Hi Everyone,

We were a busy group this week with lots to talk about and sew. Hayley has arrived back in Sydney and it was lovely to see her again. We will see more of her now that she is closer. The cold weather is a bit of a shock for her as she is used to the hot and humid weather in the Torres Strait.

Marie K brought in more lemons from her tree. They were gratefully accepted. Marie has promised more next week as her tree is loaded. A treat for us all. 

Heather brought me a couple of chokoes. I love them but my husband doesn't. They are not very popular. Dad used to grow them so I got to like them when I was quite young.

Alison has called a show committee meeting for 10 June to discuss plans for our show next May. 

Meanwhile the QuiltNSW show is something for us all to look forward to. It is on from 30 June to 4 July at the Sydney Olympic park centre.

Narelle has been looking into places for our retreat - hopefully in October. She will have some news for us this coming week.

Show and Tell:

Only two quilts to photograph this week. This is the back of one of Susan H.'s cot quilts. The top house has been embroidered by Susan. She does beautiful embroidery and makes it look so easy.

Beryl R has finished her cot quilt. Hand quilted and very pretty.

So that's all folks until next week .......

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