Sunday 19 April 2015

Kids back to school next week

We have enjoyed the sound of happy laughter and play while the school holidays have been on. It means a few little visitors on Thursdays, and a new generation being introduced to the wonders of quilt making! Things will seem much quieter next week with them all back at school.

Thanks to Susan St J for bringing a fresh lot of batting to our stocks. We now have both poly down and poly cotton available. 

Both show quilts are coming along very nicely. Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far. There will still be plenty of work to help out with as they are assembled and completed. 

Joy is still looking for people to fill the empty kitchen roster spots. Have a look to make sure you have put your name down.

Quite a few shows and exhibitions coming up in the next few months. They all look worth seeing, and a nice day trip has great appeal at this time of year. See the notice board at the hall for details, or check the link on our website where Iris is keeping an up-to-date list with details. Thanks Iris.

I have added the shots of the two baby quilts which I didn't have last blog. They were done by Barbara Ward from the CWA and Sue D.



This week's baby quilts are by Carolyn D (1st 3) and Susie L (last one)


Lovely work ladies all!

Helen, Susie and Beryl showed us their results from a Chris Jurd workshop.

Can't wait to see what becomes of the squares! Going to be one spectacular quilt I feel!
Look forward to seeing everyone again next Thursday. Enjoy the weekend.

Monday 13 April 2015

A windy Autumn day!

Well we had a full hall again last Thursday, with still more sorting of fabric from the cupboards. We won't know ourselves once everything has been culled and distributed.

We still have fabric, books and quilting equipment to distribute to the group. These come from a few quilters who are downsizing, moving and so on. Best done bit by bit so that good decisions can be made regarding what can be kept by the whole group and what can be offered to the whole group to select as their own. The library and community coordinators will have first choice of course. Thank you to Judith and Norma for their generosity. Everything will find a 'good home' I assure you. 

Jess is constantly using her brain to imagine and create! Last Thursday she had one of those 'ah ha!' moments as she was sorting fabric. She found a very 'curious' piece which would take quite a creative mind to envisage into a quilt, shall we say! It stimulated her to suggest a new challenge for us all. Take a piece of your fabric stash or something from the piles at the hall, which seems to defy logic in the quilting sense. It could also be a piece which sends you into an inspirational mood. Use this piece as a medallion centre, and build a quilt around it! This could be done individually, in pairs or in groups. We can have a 'grand showing' session later in the year to have a look at each other's creations. They can be aimed at community or for other purposes. I hope I've got this right Jess. Correct me if not. As a start then, try and have a hunt through your stash and grab that fabric that has 'something' about it, but you've never quite figured out what to do with it. I know I have a few like that! Bring them along to maybe swap with others who can see some inspirational use for it. Let's give it a try!
We could call the project "Monstrosity or Inspirational Magic!"

Still more morning tea roster gaps. Please have a look and see if you can help out. Doesn't have to be uber-fancy, just something to help the tea and coffee go down? We all should do at least two mornings a year. Not too much to ask I think.

Thank you so much to Robyn S for delivering 50 baby quilts to the Grace Centre last Wednesday. They were thrilled as always, and declared that they would love some more. Mothers Day is coming up and that is a special one for the mums of these particular babes. 

Two new ones were delivered this week, but I forgot the take shots of them, so I'll include them in next week's blog. Thanks to Barb Ward from the CWA and Susan D.

A new quilting star is on the rise! Susie's daughter Lily is working on her first quilt at the ripe old age of 5 years. There she was at the machine, (on mum's lap)  stitching away. Colour selection, placement, decisions, decisions! Here are a couple of shots of her showing the work in progress with proud mum and grandma.........



Well done Lily. We can't wait to see the finished product!

Iris was telling us all about how she has been finding anonymous 'bags of stuff' during the sort-out. She wanted to demonstrate what can be achieved by taking such stuff and trying to make something of it. Below you can see a quilt she put together in just such a way, and following is one Jenny had a go at. Both have come up remarkably well! It just goes to show..........



Last but not least, moving away from quilts, but still in the stitching realm, Maree K had a cute pattern for a doll, and some fabric. Robyn J declared she could make it, no problem! Well of course she could! We all know that! And a gorgeous result was there to see and enjoy..........



See you all next Thursday. As you can see there's no stopping a HH Qilter with some fabric, a needle and some thread. 

Saturday 4 April 2015

Easter Gathering

Well, it was a busy hall this week, even though quite a few girls were clearly gone for Easter breaks already. Feverish action was going on at the cupboards as Iris lead a team of willing helpers to sort, cull and organise all our stocks. It will make a huge difference to our storage capacity I believe.
Many thanks to Iris and all the people who stepped up to lend a hand. The payoff was a table groaning with remnants for the taking, and plenty made the most of that! Good job all.

Fees are now overdue for this year, and Grace reports that we currently have close to 60 paid-up members. A good size for the group I think. Well done to Grace for getting her head around the treasurer position so quickly and efficiently. What a find!

Joy reports that there are a few gaps in the kitchen duty roster, most urgently at the end of April and start of June. If you haven't put your name down yet, or are able to do an extra week, please take a glance at the roster and see if you can help out. Thanks Joy for keeping a keen eye on things in the kitchen.

Deb L has sent out an email regarding the Retreat in August. Hard copies have been given to non-email people. Time to decide and sign up so that numbers can be assessed. It's always a fabulous few days away, and this year will be a different time weather-wise. Should be lovely! Thanks Deb.

Plenty of accolades for quite a few of our membership this week. They are as follows:

Heather won a 3rd prize at the Easter Show's Bed Quilt Category with her quilt from our last show. It was "Butterflies, Bugs and All Things Nice". Well done Heather!
Jess has an article about her and instructions for one of her quilts in the current edition of Homespun.
Well done Jess!
Kathy D has a very nice article about he doings in the April edition of the Northern District Times. Well done Kathy!
And the entire group has an article about their last show (2014) in the current edition of Australian Patchwork and Quilting (Vol 24 No 9). Well done everyone!
What a famous lot we are!

Susan H was kind enough to pick up a small brochure with details about an exhibition in Gymea from August  to October. It's at the Hazelhurst Gallery & Arts Centre. The exhibition is titled "Labours of Love" , and will feature over 30 items from mid 1800's to the present day. Our Jess has a couple of entries in I believe. It sounds well worth the trip! For more details you could google it or just ask next group to see the brochure. Thanks Susan.

Robyn S now has over 50 baby quilts packed up ready to deliver to The Grace Centre! Well done girls, and thank you so much Robyn for coordinating this initiative and doing the deliveries. We really appreciate it.

Well, as I said, a very busy week. Finally we come to Show and Tell:

First another three baby quilts to add to the pile. One from Jenny, then Judy and lastly Karen (in that order).





The next quilt was made up from donated squares given by a friend of Val's. Grace added some borders, put it together and quilted it. A wonderful result which will now be donated to the community collection.

During the cupboard clean out, Iris found the following gem. It was part of a challenge from the very early days of the group, probably around 1988'ish. June tells us that each member had to make a square representing themselves. I think I've got that part of the story right! It was a hoot of a find, and caused much mirth and enjoyment. Iris plans to erect it somewhere amongst our hall collection I think. Take a look.....

The next shot shows how the colours are working so well together for our traditional raffle quilt design. Looking good.......

And last but not least a shot of Robyn packing up the 50 baby quilts for the Grace Centre. Fantastic work all!



Easter greetings all. Sorry the blog is so late. Sometimes my camera and computer refuse to talk to one another, so I have to wait till they sort out their differences to get the photos across!!###@! Don't you love technology? Cheers!

Saturday 28 March 2015

A quiet Thursday

Hello again.
We had quite a few gaps at the tables today. I think some people have already made journeys for Easter break with families.

Nevertheless, we had a happy group of stitchers working away. Several of the girls were working on blocks for the Traditional Quilt presented to us by Robyn last week. A few had already finished theirs, so there were plenty of models to work from. A bunch of fabrics of the appropriate colours was placed on one table, and pre-made templates were available to assist cutting. The result was good progress being made towards the quilt. Robyn will be pleased next week I think.

Grace gave a final reminder for membership fees which are due this coming Tuesday. 

We had a visit from two ladies who run the Figtree Playgroup in the hall on Wednesdays this year. We have donated a lovely quilt for them to raffle to raise funds for their group. They would also be interested in any ideas for stitching craft activities for the older of their children. The girls have already come up with some good ideas, and the ladies may come back and 'learn' some another time. Another possibility is for someone to take an activity to their group one week. I might have a go at that myself, having once been a member of their group with my grand daughter. Could be fun. Let me know if you'd like to join me! It would be great to inspire a new generation of quilters wouldn't it?

Iris has been working hard during the past week on our website, making some changes and updating generally. Check it out and let us know what you think. Thanks for your efforts Iris.

Kathy D has just been formally accredited as a teacher by the NSW Quilters Guild. Congratulations Kathy!


Quite a bit to show this week.
First, another four baby quilts for the Grace Centre done by Ailsa, Val, Gil and Jenny - in that order here they are.......





Debbie I showed a striking quilt made for a relative who especially wanted animal prints. It's really stunning Debbie. Well done. She definitely got what she wanted.


Kathy showed us a quilt top made with her newest fabric range. Very dramatic and interesting designs!
It's going to make a gorgeous finished quilt.



Next Gil showed a quilt made for her granddaughter which is lovely, and we also show the wonderful backing fabric.



And lastly, Susan H showed a quilt made for her grandson. The back blocks were designs and messages from friends and family. Lovely memories there!



So there we go. Another fun day at the Fairland Hall! See you all next Thursday and we'll do it all again! Enjoy the weekend.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Tables replaced at last!

Yes, we now have our full complement of tables. Many thanks to HH Council for getting it done! We seem to have inherited an extra 'heavy' one into the bargain.
So, plenty of room for everyone - and room to work on sandwiching quilts as well.

Val read us a 'Cat In The Hat' poem based on the concept of ageing, which had us all in stitches. Thanks Val. We need these little diversions from time to time.

As promised, Robyn J presented the Traditional Raffle Quilt concept, and handed out instruction sheets. I'll send out an electronic copy as well for those who weren't at group, or wish to receive it that way.  Thanks Robyn. It looks like another exciting idea, and the girls were very keen to get started.

Judy G was delighted to have some contributions to the Contemporary quilt coming in already. Keep them coming. If you didn't get hold of these instructions, just see Judy when next you're at HHQ. 

Iris showed us the Christmas Challenge quilt so far, with a few gaps needing to be filled.
So if you have some brights and crisp whites lying around, Iris would like more 6 inch square stars or flowers. Here's an updated shot of how it's looking.


Looking fabulous Iris. It's going to make a pretty spectacular design for some lucky community recipient!

Susan D was back after a while away from the group, and she came armed with three gorgeous baby quilts for the Grace Centre. Thanks Susan. Here they are below.




Robyn S will be delivering yet another mighty full bag of baby quilts to the Grace Centre in a couple of weeks. Thank you Robyn. We appreciate this. And thanks to all the girls who have been working away all these months on the little quilts. They are so important to the hospital.

Jess presented the quilt below which was made by her from fabric won by Alison. Jess put it together and Helena did the quilting. Absolutely a joint effort. Well done girls. Another community quilt for the pile!


Jess also showed two quilts which have been accepted into the AQC Challenge. The first is entitled 'True Blue', and the second (a miniature) is an ANZAC tribute. Good work Jess. Inventive as ever!



And so ends another fun day at HHQ. See you all next Thursday.
Cheers, Elva

Saturday 14 March 2015

Full House!

Wow, the hall was pretty full on Thursday, and it made us feel the lack of our two missing tables. our friend Dave at HH Council is chasing them up for us. The sooner the better!

Thanks to Judy G for putting so much excellent preparation into the explanatory sheets and patterns for the Contemporary Raffle Quilt for Show 2016. The design choice was received very positively by all, so I think we're on to a winner there Judy. Well chosen. The guide sheets were flying off the table at a great rate. Everyone is clearly busting to make a start.

Next week Robyn J will present the design and guide sheets for the Traditional Quilt. Can't wait!

Thanks also to Iris who has completely updated our History Folder. It's quite a job hunting out all the details of what's happened since last it was done. It makes very interesting reading, not only for new members but a nostalgic journey for oldies as well. A very important archive to have and keep. Many thanks Iris.

Grace passed on a thank you email from Stepping Stone House. They were clearly thrilled yet again for the Christmas presents of last December. Thanks to all members who contributed in the many ways to getting it all together, and thanks to Grace for driving the initiative. It is always so appreciated.

A reminder that the Eastwood Quilters Show will be on from the 1st to the 3rd of May this year. Leaflets with all other details are in the hall near the notice board for those interested.


Quite a few quilts this week which have been made for community.
First, three new little ones for the Grace Centre.
The first is by Val N, and it has that cute dinosaur fabric on the back for reversing. Nice one!


Next a lovely geometric from Maree G. Gorgeous colour choices!


And finally a bright and delightful one by June P. Again, colours to lift any spirits!


Next two quilts made for community use by Maree K. They will go to a good home and be well loved I'm sure.



If I got the detail correct, the next quilt was a combined effort by Iris and June, for June's friend. I hope that's correct ladies. It also has a cute and unique fabric on the back.

Margaret D showed two quilts. The first is one made by a few of her friends for her 70th which is next week I believe! Happy birthday Margaret, and enjoy your quilt made with love.

Margaret's second presentation was a quilt made for a friend (Jenny) some years ago for her 50th. A very nice design and colour choices here.

The final show and tell was one that Iris and others chose from the stores to be given to the Palliative Care Unit at Westmead Children's Hospital. They plan to use it as a raffle prize, and the funds raised will go towards equipment which they can loan to families to support children being cared for at home.
It's a fine example of how valuable this community quilting work is. Thanks to all members who participate in this aspect of our group.

And so after another very enjoyable and busy day of quilting, chatting, eating etc etc, we say goodbye till next Thursday. Have a great weekend everyone.