Monday, 29 November 2021

Welcome Back

 It was so nice to see everyone on Thursday. It has been such a long time!

Christmas Party:

We will hold our Christmas Party on 16 December which will also be our last meeting for the year.

I think we will have the same arrangement as last year for the tables in our regular groups. You will still be able to visit others of course. 

Robyn Jnst has taken over from June for the Christmas game. Robyn has asked that those who want to participate, should wear a decorated hat. These will be judged by everyone. I assume most will have a Christmas theme but that is not necessary. I look forward to amazing creations from you all.

Dragonfly Midwifery:

Westmead does not require any more baby quilts this year. However Westmead is happy for us to supply baby quilts to this Aboriginal group for Mums and babies in their care.

They are not strict about the cotton wadding so you will be able to use some of your other wadding pieces.

Please attach a label so we can distinguish which are for Westmead and those for Dragonfly Midwifery. A small piece of paper attached with a safety pin will suffice. Robyn and Iris delivered 15 quilts to them at the end of October.

Council has asked that we be vigilant checking for pins and needles left on the floor as well as cake!  I doubt that we are the 'cake' group but keep in mind anyway.

Thank you to Ann for vacuuming on Thursday.

AGM for 2021 will be held on 17 February 2022.

Show and Tell:

There was so much Show and Tell this week that it was impossible to keep up. Our group has been very busy over the break. Below is a sample of many. There were 22 baby quilts, Jenny had made a number of quilts for Community - all machine quilted on her new long-arm. Ten quilts were for Robyn's charity.
Ros made another 40 teddies. 

Until next week  ........

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