Saturday, 13 March 2021

Show Committee Meeting

 Hi Everyone,

We had a show committee meeting this week. After much discussion, we have decided to postpone our show until next year. It is very disappointing but a sensible decision until we know more about the virus and most of the population will be vaccinated.

Many of you know that Alysoun Ryles was the founding member of Hunters Hill Quilters. Carolyn and Margaret have recently helped her daughter sort her fabrics and quilts. There were not large pieces of fabric but Carolyn has made 15 baby quilts out of the unused material. See photos below. 

Carolyn also came across a piece of material on which everyone who participated in the making of the wall hanging of the Hunters Hill District had started to embroider their names. Alysoun intended to sew this on to the back. There was a list attached with ticks next to the names who had already embroidered their name. 

The wall hanging has been taken down by Council. Elva has spoken to the Museum Director but the whereabouts of the quilt is unknown at this stage. I am following up.

Don't forget the 10 quilts we have promised for Bear Cottage. They are for teenage boys. Suggestions are Star Wars themes, Darth Vader or similar that teenage boys are interested in. Otherwise bright colours. 64" x 76".

Show and Tell:

Ann showed us a crocheted birds' nest that her girl guides are making.

Carolyn found this quilt top in Alysoun's effects and has finished it. This special quilt will be sold at our next show.

Baby quilt from Sue D.

Baby quilt from Sheila.

Some of the baby quilts from Alysoun's fabric.

Baby quilt from Lindy.

More from Alysoun's fabric.

Merlyn made this quilt for her 13 year old grandson. He chose the fabric.

Baby quilt from Marie K.

Baby quilt from Sue D.

More from Alysoun's fabric.

Until next week ......

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