Thursday, 12 March 2020

Back to Fairland Hall

Hullo Everyone,

It is very good news that we are back at Fairland Hall next week. We have had 7 weeks at the Scout Hall. It wasn't ideal but we made the best of it. I particularly enjoyed the mixed seating where I found myself next to someone I wouldn't normally sit with. Next week we will go back to our usual groups but I do hope we can move around the room and mix more.

Dates for your diaries:

Our AGM is this week at 12 noon, 12 March.

Dates for our quilt show - August 6,7,8,9.

Also dates for our retreat in May 1,2,3. We have 21 girls coming so far which is excellent!

Hunters Hill Primary School:

I received a phone call recently to ask if we accepted Commissions. As we are a non profit organisation I explained that we did not. I asked what it was that they were after.
The local Hunters Hill Primary school will be celebrating its 150 year anniversary in September.
They were wondering if we could help make a quilt or wall hanging for them.
We have decided a wall hanging would be more appropriate and we will base the design on their 150 year badge. The badge has a picture of the Jacaranda tree in the school grounds that is particularly significant.
Iris will organise the project. Hopefully we will have time, given that it is already a very busy year for us.

Quilts for Lake Conjola area:

As you are aware, Robyn S. has asked for quilts which she will donate personally to the people in the lake Conjola area.

I had a phone call from a lovely lady living in a Retirement Village nearby, to ask if we could use two quilts that she had made.The timing was perfect. I picked them up and you will see the photographs below.

Quilt Shows you may like to visit:

March 26 - Nelson Bay Quilters
April 3-5 - Fairholme Quilters

Show and Tell:

Baby Quilt from Susan H.

One from Jenny

Two from Bev

One from Gill.

For Community from Jenny

Robyn Jnst. two for Mother's Refuge:

Two from lady in Retirement Village fro fire victims:

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