Sunday 21 July 2019

A Quiet Week

Kits for Days for Girls

It was a quiet time at Hunters Hill Quilters as many members had school holiday commitments and there wasn't any Show and Tell.


There was an article by the CEO of Sydney Community Services published in the Village Observer thanking us for our work.

2020 Show Committee

On Thursday we will have our first Show Committee meeting for the 2020 show. This is where we will choose our judge and charities to support. If you would like to be a member of the committee, please feel free to join us at Fairland Hall at 9:00 am.

Raffle Quilt

Our raffle quilt is progressing well but Christie still needs volunteers to take it home and do some quilting.

Urgent Request

We have had an urgent request for fabric for Days for Girls to make more than 200 bags so if you have any useful fabrics in your stash they would be greatly appreciated.
The fabric needs to be washed and ironed and cut into 30” x 12” pieces.
They also request that that the fabric have no cartoon or Disney-like prints, no animals and not too much white (difficult to keep clean).
Please bring whatever you can this week and give it to Suzie who will pass it on to Days for Girls for over locking. We will then need some volunteer sewers to make into simple bags.
See the photo above for some ideas for suitable fabric.

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