Sunday 17 January 2016


Welcome back to all! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year break.
We had a very good roll-up for our first gathering of the year, especially considering the extreme heat of the day. Thank goodness the air con was working! 




The key cards however were not. News from HH Council is that the system was broken over the break, so the cards don't work. Don't throw yours away yet though, because they promise it will soon be fixed and the cards will be operational again. Promises, promises! Let's see what happens. In the meantime, we have to pass the one key we have been given from person to person each week. Please remember to give it to the next person on kitchen duty. 

We are having a show meeting on Thursday, January 28th for all show committee people. 9.30am across the road at the Baby Health Centre room. See you there.

The AGM will be held on Thursday 18th February, and a notice will be coming  to everyone soon via email giving details. Watch out for that.

We have had thank you letters and a certificate from HH Community Services for our donation of two quilts, and from City of Sydney for the Lord Mayor's Picnic quilt. Well done everyone. 

First up are two quilts (waggas) by Pam Reeves, given to Doreen - welcome back by the way Doreen! Everyone was delighted to see you up and about again. Here are the quilts.


The next quilt is a group effort completed by 'Blue Group' to go into the community pile. It's a Sue Cody pattern - 'Sweet Surrender'. Beautiful work girls!



Jenny S showed this Bonnie Hunter Mystery quilt which was much admired.


Kathy D showed her latest, from her own fabrics


And a farewell to Margaret D who is moving up the coast to live. We hope we see lots of you Margaret on visits to Sydney. What an asset you have been to our group as well as a valuable and great friend. Stay safe and happy in your new digs. 

It's going to be another outstanding year. I feel it in my bones!
See you soon again
Cheers, Elva

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