Thursday, 20 June 2024

20th June

Hi Everyone,

We had another busy day today at quilting with delving into boxes for inspiration in gathering fabrics and felt for our sewing corner at our Show. Another two boxes of fabric were also sorted and added to our ever growing collection of community fabric boxes. 
Rosters for the Show were tabled today for members to add their name to helping out at the Show. Narelle also has the food rosters ready for us to add our names. Thanks to the ladies who have already emailed us to add their names to the rosters. I will be sending an email to all our members over the next week as a reminder about volunteering for the Show, so please check your spam just in case it does arrive to your inbox.
Next week Grace is organising a fun time for us as we will be making scrap bags to sell at the show.

Quilt Show News

🧵 If you have a quilt/s you would like to sell at the Show please see Suzie L to collect a sales sheet to write your quilts details and pricing.
🧵 More members have returned their sold raffle tickets stubs and money this week. Great selling ladies! If you need more tickets please see Marie K or Sandy.
🧵Next Show Committee Meeting will be 4th July.

Show & Tell
Robyn S made a Baby quilt

Grace has made anther Wagga to sell at the show

Craft & Quilt Fair - 3rd - 6th July - will be held at the ICC Sydney Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour Hours 10am - 4pm daily. 
Cost Adult $24, Concession card holder $20

Renewal of your membership is now due.
Friday Showcase 16th August is to be held at QuiltNSW office with Sarah Fielke as the presenter. You can checkout Sarah’s website to find out more about her

The Retreat will be held at St Joseph’s Spirituality & Educational Centre, 8 Humphrey Road Kincumber South on 6th - 8th September.

27th June Scrap bag compiling
4th July Community Day & Show Committee Meeting
3-6th July Craft & Quilt Fair
18th July Show Committee Meeting
25th July Show Committee Meeting
1st August Bump in day for Quilt Show
2nd - 4th August Quilt Show @ Hunters Hill Town Hall
5th September Community Day
6th - 8th September Retreat Weekend @ St Joseph’s Kincumber
12th September HHQ Birthday Party & presenting a cheque to RizeUp - please bring your own glass for some bubbles
3rd October Community Day
7th November Community Day
Christmas Party date to be confirmed 

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 13 June 2024

13th June

Hi Everyone,

Today we continued sorting fabric into our community boxes and to say it’s a huge project is an understatement, but many hands make the task go faster. Thank you everyone who helped. 
Welcome back to some of our members who have been missing in action from illness it was lovely to see you again.

Craft & Quilt Fair - 3rd - 6th July - will be held at the ICC Sydney Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour Hours 10am - 4pm daily. 
Cost Adult $24, Concession card holder $20

With less than 2 months to go until our Show the Show Committee is working hard to make sure our show is a success. The showcasing of our members work to the community has always been one of excellence. 
We need your help! The rosters for food and jobs to be carried out at the Show will be placed on a table at quilting next week where you can volunteer your time, so join in the fun and commit to helping out.

Quilt Show News

🧵 If you have a quilt/s you would like to sell at the Show please see Suzie L so they can be included in the Stage Sales area.
🧵 More members have returned their sold raffle tickets stubs and money this week. Great selling ladies!
🧵Next Show Committee Meeting will be 20th June

Show & Tell
Marie K has made this quilt top

Carolyn completed 10 baby quilts

The Retreat will be held at St Joseph’s Spirituality & Educational Centre, 8 Humphrey Road Kincumber South on 6th - 8th September.

Renewal of your membership is now due.
Friday Showcase 16th August is to be held at QuiltNSW office with Sarah Fielke as the presenter. You can checkout Sarah’s website to find out more about her

20th June Show Committee Meeting @ 1pm
4th July Community Day
3-6th July Craft & Quilt Fair
1st August Bump in day for Quilt Show
2nd - 4th August Quilt Show @ Hunters Hill Town Hall
5th September Community Day
6th - 8th September Retreat Weekend @ St Joseph’s Kincumber
12th September HHQ Birthday Party & presenting a cheque to RizeUp - please bring your own glass for some bubbles
3rd October Community Day
7th November Community Day
Christmas Party date to be confirmed 

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 6 June 2024

6th June Community Day

Hi Everyone,

We had another busy day sorting the cupboards with our donated fabric, wadding and quilt tops to be used for Community. Thank you to everyone who helped with the task. There will be more to do next week. 
Our members are gearing up for the Quilt Show with the sewing machines out today sewing burlap runners for our Cafe tables. More completed bags, runners, quilts and throws were shown at Show & Tell for the Stage Sales.

🎂 Happy Birthday to the ladies who celebrate their birthday in June 🎂. I hope you enjoy your special day.

Quilt Show News

😃55 days till our show 😃

🧵 If you have a quilt/s you would like to sell at the Show please see Suzie L so they can be included in the Stage Sales area.
🧵 Thanks to Deb T’s well written article and photos in The Village Observer about Hunters Hill Quilters and our upcoming Quilt Show.
🧵 Flyers were handed out today so if you need more please ask for them.
🧵 Some members have returned their sold raffle tickets stubs and money this week. Great selling ladies!
🧵Next Show Committee Meeting will be 20th June

Show & Tell
Beryl made a Baby quilt

Narelle made a Baby quilt

The Retreat will be held at St Joseph’s Spirituality & Educational Centre, 8 Humphrey Road Kincumber South on 6th - 8th September.

Renewal of your membership is now due.
Friday Showcase 16th August to be held at QuiltNSW office with Sarah Fielke as the presenter. You can checkout Sarah’s website to find out more about her

20th June Show Committee Meeting @ 1pm
4th July Community Day
1st August Bump in day for Quilt Show
2nd - 4th August Quilt Show @ Hunters Hill Town Hall
5th September Community Day
6th - 8th September Retreat Weekend @ St Joseph’s Kincumber
12th September HHQ Birthday Party & presenting a cheque to RizeUp - please bring your own glass for some bubbles
3rd October Community Day
7th November Community Day
Christmas Party date to be confirmed 

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 30 May 2024

30th May

Hi Everyone,

We are so fortunate to live in this amazing city and to have such a beautiful harbour. We see inspiration all around us and Sydney does not disappoint with running of Vivid 2024.

Today at quilting we had a guest Lynne Spears who belongs to the Zonta Club of North Sydney. Zonta is a world wide organisation that believes in building a better world for women and girls. They do this by raising funds to support women who are rebuilding their lives after fleeing domestic violence or a misplaced person from another country. The funds raised are used to encourage women to gain skills by attending TAFE or to give the funds to a women’s shelter. They also hold sewing days to make breast pillows for women who have had breast surgery, make birthing kits to be sent to remote areas in Australia and overseas and help support Days for Girls.

We were able to help the Zonta Club of North Sydney by donating two quilts to be raffled to raise funds.

Quilt Show News

😃62 days till our show 😃

🧵Next Show Committee Meeting will be 20th June

Narelle is taking names for our Retreat in September, so if you are interested see Narelle at quilting and she will give you a form to complete. The Retreat will be held at St Joseph’s Spirituality & Educational Centre, 8 Humphrey Road Kincumber South on 6th - 8th September.

Renewal of your membership is due next month and you will receive an email from QuiltNSW on how to renew. 

6th June Community Day
20th June Show Committee Meeting @ 1pm
4th July Community Day
1st August Bump in day for Quilt Show
2nd - 4th August Quilt Show @ Hunters Hill Town Hall
5th September Community Day
6th - 8th September Retreat Weekend @ St Joseph’s Kincumber
12th September HHQ Birthday Party & presenting a cheque to RizeUp - please bring your own glass for some bubbles
3rd October Community Day
7th November Community Day
Christmas Party date to be confirmed 

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 23 May 2024

23rd May

Hi Everyone,

We had a smaller gathering of members today but we were productive with our projects. 
Thanks to the ladies who set up a production line to ensure each member of Hunters Hill Quilters will receive a booklet of Raffle Tickets. If you need more tickets please do not hesitate to ask.

Quilt Show News

Our flyers are ready to be handed out, so grab a bundle and start spreading the news about our Quilt Show.
Don’t forget to collect your Raffle Tickets from Marie K. Ticket prices are 1 ticket - $2 or 3 tickets - $5. Everyone will receive a booklet of 15 tickets.

😃69 days till our show 😃

🧵Next Show Committee Meeting will be 20th June

Narelle is taking names for our Retreat in September, so if you are interested see Narelle at quilting and she will give you a form to complete. The Retreat will be held at St Joseph’s Spirituality & Educational Centre, 8 Humphrey Road Kincumber South on 6th - 8th September.

Renewal of your membership is due next month and you will receive an email from QuiltNSW on how to renew. 

Show & Tell
Beryl R made a Baby quilt

6th June Community Day
20th June Show Committee Meeting @ 1pm
4th July Community Day
1st August Bump in day for Quilt Show
2nd - 4th August Quilt Show @ Hunters Hill Town Hall
5th September Community Day
6th - 8th September Retreat Weekend @ St Joseph’s Kincumber
12th September HHQ Birthday Party & presenting a cheque to RizeUp - please bring your own glass for some bubbles
3rd October Community Day
7th November Community Day
Christmas Party date to be confirmed 

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 16 May 2024

16th May

Hi Everyone,

Thank you to everyone who attended quilting today we had a productive day with members quilting, hand sewing and some choosing to knit. Ellen’s friend kindly donated some cotton threads to us as she no longer had a need for them. It’s great news for us as we will put them to good use in our many Community projects.

 Alison completed her Grandmothers Flower Garden quilt. Congratulations Alison.

Quilt Show 
2nd - 4th August @ Hunters Hill Town Hall - 22 Alexandra Street, Hunters Hill
😃76 days till our show 😃

🧵Next Show Committee Meeting will be 20th June

Narelle is taking names for our Retreat in September, so if you are interested see Narelle at quilting and she will give you a form to complete. The Retreat will be held at St Joseph’s Spirituality & Educational Centre, 8 Humphrey Road Kincumber South on 6th - 8th September.

Renewal of your membership is due next month and you will receive an email from QuiltNSW on how to renew. 

Show & Tell
Sue S completed this Baby quilt

Carolyn completed 10 Baby quilts

This Heart quilt is heading to Ronald McDonald House in Orange.
Marie K made the quilt and Robyn J did the quilting and binding.

6th June Community Day
20th June Show Committee Meeting @ 1pm
4th July Community Day
1st August Bump in day for Quilt Show
2nd - 4th August Quilt Show @ Hunters Hill Town Hall
5th September Community Day
6th - 8th September Retreat Weekend @ St Joseph’s Kincumber
12th September HHQ Birthday Party & presenting a cheque to RizeUp - please bring your own glass for some bubbles
3rd October Community Day
7th November Community Day
Christmas Party date to be confirmed 

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 9 May 2024

9th May

 Hi Everyone,

Today was the last day quilt entries will be accepted for our show. Iris is now busy collating all the forms and information to be handed on to various show committee members. The show brochures have been printed and collected. Thanks to John for the photography and brochure design and to Deb T for coordinating with John and organising the printing.

Robyn Ja. hand sewed a quilt for her grandson who is a fan of the Beatles the fabrics are based from the albums Yellow Submarine, Help! and Rubber Soul. 

Quilt Show 
2nd - 4th August @ Hunters Hill Town Hall - 22 Alexandra Street, Hunters Hill
😃83 days till our show 😃

🧵Next Show Committee Meeting will be 16th May.

Narelle is taking names for our Retreat in September, so if you are interested see Narelle at quilting and she will give you a form to complete. The Retreat will be held at St Joseph’s Spirituality & Educational Centre, 8 Humphrey Road Kincumber South on 6th - 8th September.

The New Quilt 2024 - Hawkesbury Regional Gallery 4 May - 23 June (Grace is a Selected Artist) 

Show & Tell
Robyn Ja. made a quilt for her Beatles loving grandson

Jonquil completed a Baby quilt 

16th May Show Committee Meeting @1pm
6th June Community Day
4th July Community Day
1st August Bump in day for Quilt Show
2nd - 4th August Quilt Show @ Hunters Hill Town Hall
5th September Community Day
6th - 8th September Retreat Weekend @ St Joseph’s Kincumber
12th September HHQ Birthday Party & presenting a cheque to RizeUp - please bring your own glass for some bubbles
3rd October Community Day
7th November Community Day
Christmas Party date to be confirmed 

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy