Friday, 14 May 2021

Our Thursdays

 Hi Everyone,

Another enjoyable meeting this week. Sheila said a while ago that she really looks forward to her Thursdays. I think we all agree with her.

Gill is doing well after her operation.  Hopefully she is able to check the blog to keep up with our show and tell.

Grace had an email from Theresa in South Africa. Theresa said her first quilt was Alysoun's Dresden Plate pattern she found in a magazine. South Africa is in lockdown too and she is unable to travel to Australia to see her daughter.

If you have any calico bags Grace would like to have them to decorate. We found a bundle in the cupboard this week which we gave to her.

Robyn Jnst said that Ros has made another 45 Trauma Bears for her charity. Ros must make them in her sleep. She is so quick.

Hunters Hill has a new Facebook Address - 'Hunters Hill Quilters'. Our old one was hacked unfortunately. We therefore lost our 500 followers. Hopefully they will gradually return.

Show and Tell:

Baby quilt from Sheila. Sheila is excellent at picking up giveaway fabrics and using them. This idea came from our Christmas Challenge quilt and the background uses some of Den T's fabric.

Another baby quilt from Sheila. Again she used the pink fabric from Deb. Very resourceful.

Jenny is using her new long arm quilter to finish a number of quilts. She loves it!

A friend gave Robyn Jnst this cute panel. Robyn has put it together and hand quilted it.

Until next week .....

Sunday, 9 May 2021

Community Day May

 Hi Everyone,

We had a good roll up this week despite the bad weather.  Four groups worked on Community quilts.

Gill is doing well after her operation. We wish her well.

Carolyn brought in 3 baby quilts this week. This brought her total quilts made to 300. She said she has enough fabric for another 300!

The Guild has listed quilt shows for this year. Some are out of town but you may enjoy a trip to see them.

Camden Quilters are having their 31st Annual Quilt Exhibition on July 31 and August 31.

Wauchope Patchwork - September  9 to 11. Their quilts will be on display throughout the town.

Dalmeny Quilter's in Narooma will be on in October 2 -3 , 2021.

Sydney Craft Fair - June 30 - July 4.

Australasian  Quilt Convention from August 19 to 22, 2021.

Show and Tell:

Our clever knitters have been busy again. This is Jenny's intricate shawl. Jenny said it was easy but I don't believe it for a minute!

Bev's shawl which drapes beautifully.

Bev has been using up some of her wool. This cute little jumper will go to the Womens' refuge.

Baby quilt from Lindy. 

The three baby quilts from Carolyn to make her 300 total!

Bev tried out a new pattern and made it into a baby quilt.

Another cute jumper from Bev.

Helena has made this quilt for her son using Kathy Doughty's new fabric range.

Another baby quilt from Jenny

Meg's group finished their quilt for Community.

Alison's group finished this quilt for Community. They used scraps and pieces out of the cupboards. A pleasing result.

Until next week ....

Saturday, 1 May 2021

A Pleasant Meeting

 Hi Everyone,

As always on a Thursday the hall was buzzing this week with table rearranging, lots of discussion and catching up with each others' news, sharing sewing ideas, recommendations for shows to watch on TV, etc etc. Always enjoyable.

Gill has had a shoulder reconstruction and will be in rehab for a while. We look forward to her return to quilting.

Deb T is having a clean up. She brought in fabrics and patterns for us to share.

Sandy found the perfect fabric for the border of the Christmas Challenge quilt. It really sets the quilt off.

Susan H. mentioned an exhibition that is on for the whole of May in the Embroiderers' Guild building:

"Toward Abstraction - An Exhibition of Modern Quilts"
1-30 May 2021
9am to 4pm weekdays and 10am to 2pm weekends.
76 Queen Street
Concord West.

Jessica Wheelahan has an entry in the exhibition.

It was good to see Kathy this week. She is hand quilting an anniversary quilt to mark her 30 years in Australia and her marriage to John.

Also good to see Susan St J return after her long illness.
Heather also mentioned that Hayley is leaving the Torres Strait Islands. Unfortunately she will not be in Sydney but will try to visit when she can.

Show and Tell:

Three quilts from Marie K. who manages to whip up a quilt in no time.The first one uses Japanese fabrics as does the second. The third is striking.

Elva has made this charmimg quilt for a neighbour who has had a little boy.

Until next week ......

Sunday, 25 April 2021

A short blog this week

 Hi Everyone,

No news to speak of this week but our members are busy working on their projects. I always admire the quilts made totally by hand. They take longer but the results are well worth it.

At our meetings we discuss shows to watch on TV, movies to see, knitting and sewing patterns, politics and the Covid vaccine. Topics are endless. Most enjoyable.

Show and Tell:

Nine baby quilts from Carolyn this week.

This is the back of the quilt Marie G has made for her grandson. He loves dinosaurs and rainbows.

And here is the front. So much for as little boy to love and look at. Marie used some scraps from Carolyn.

Robyn Jms. made this lovely quilt by hand.

Until next week ......

Friday, 16 April 2021

Two Unexpected Visitors

 Hi Everyone,

Jacky S. surprised us with a visit this week. Jacky resigned from the group this year due to health problems. We were very glad to see her when she called in to say hello.

Towards the end of our meeting, a lady arrived with a donation of fabric as she has given up quilting for other craft pursuits. We were delighted to see that the fabrics were bundled into colours, including lots of Japanese fabrics. They were all wrapped carefully in cellophane parcels. A wonderful surprise.

A quilter, Sue Miller, contacted us to let us know about her 'bricks and mortar' shop she has just opened in Neutral Bay. Some of you may remember her from the NSWQuilt show where she often had a stand.

The address is:

Fabric Garden

Level 2, Andrews House

15/185 Military Rd

Neutral Bay 2089

Hours Tuesday to Saturday, 10 am to 4 pm.

Telephone 0417 068 855.

The entrance is in Rangers Rd between the Mondial Bakery and the Nike shop, I have it on good authority that the Mondial Bakery is superb!

Show and Tell:

A quilt for Bear Cottage from Grace

 Jenny made this one for Community

Alisons' friend donated the centre piece and Grace has made it into this lovely quilt.

Ros was given a number of 1.5" strips which she has used to make this quilt. This one for Robyn's refuge.

Suzie L. was woken early this week to say her granddaughter had arrived. A lucky little girl to receive such a beautiful quilt.

A quilt for Bear Cottage from Alison.

Sue D. used one of the paper patterns that Heather brought in a couple of weeks ago. She said the hats and shorts were fun to make. The hats are reversible and so cute. All going to Sue's grandchildren.

Until next week  ..........

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Lots Happening at HHQ

There was lots of activity at Hunters Hill Quilters on Thursday even though many of us had family committments in the school holidays.

Robyn took 100 baby quilts to the Grace Centre for Newborns this week, all ready for Mother's Day.

Marie alerted us to a lovely article in The Weekly Times about Doreen by Phillip Ward who noted that "As a near neighbour of the Field of Mars Wildlife Refuge Doreen was a long term member of the Society and an active volunteer offering her time to staff the Visitor Centre with Val Nelson at weekends and working as a bush regenerator in the Reserve.

"Doreen was always community-minded, committed and very involved with other organisations including the Hunters Hill Trust and Hunters Hill Quilters."

Doreen will always be remembered for her enthuisiasm for Waggas so here are a couple of photos of her masterpieces:

Ros has made another 42 teddies for Robyn Jo. to deliver to the Sutherland Trauma Centre:

Marie K. made these cute quilts for Amalie House Women's Refuge:

Grace has made two quilts for boys at Bear Cottage:

A Touch of Blue

Stepping Stones

Until next week....Alison

Friday, 2 April 2021

A Welcome Visitor

 Hi Everyone,

It was very special and a pleasure to have Doreen's daughter visit our group this week. Natalie went around to every group to say thank you and to share memories of Doreen. A very special treat indeed.

As usual many things were going on in the group this week. Apart from catching up with each others' news, many were busy sewing.

Beryl R. was back after a few weeks break, Grace helped Narelle tie her wagga quilt. It looks terrific if I do say so myself!

Heather brought a number of paper patterns for us to share. The remainder she was taking to the Sewing Basket. There were also bits and pieces from Natalie, of Doreen's things to share.

Elva had news of the interment of Norma's ashes at the Hunters Hill Church.

Sandy and Alison put the Christmas Challenge blocks on the design wall and pinned them together ready for sewing. They were so quick, the next time I checked they were all sorted and back in the box ready for Sandy to take home.

Heather also mentioned that Jan T Baillie, used to be Urquhart, the owner of Down Under Quilts, died recently from cancer. Many of us remember her magazine and quilt patterns.

I won't be in next week but Alison has kindly agreed to step in for me.

Show and Tell:

Five baby quilts from Carolyn.

One of Alysoun's quilts. She loved blue. 

Iris made this special quilt. All beautifully hand quilted.

Sue D. made this colourful quilt for Community.

Until next time ....