Friday, 28 March 2014

Last week in March

This is Iris,  standing in for Helena this week.

Before I jump into the business of the day,  Susan H, organised for several quilt donations.   Check out the pictures and the details on the  Community  page on our website.

And the business :

  • Don't forget Fairholme Quilters 30th Anniversary Quilt Show next weekend: Friday 4/4/2014, 11am to 5pm and Saturday 5/4/2014, 10am to 4pm,  at Thornleigh Community Centre, Phyllis Avenue, Thornleigh.
  • A very clever updated 'library' process - when you take out a library book, file the card at the front of the box and then when you return the book, file it back in it's proper place.  
  • Don't forget to give Elva details of your emergency contact numbers
  • 'Playing Cards' message from Jenny:  have fun, don't get stressed, enjoy the process - but remember they need to be ready for May 8th!

'Show and Tell':   

Just one cute cot quilt from Jenny,  but the backing was so good I had to add a picture!

That's all,   have a good week and next week is community week.    Enjoy,  Iris

Thursday, 20 March 2014

International Day of Happiness

Check out the information about:
Friday, August 8th to Sunday, August 10th: 10 am to 4 pm
Opening night: Thursday, August 7th at 7pm

Thursday always make me Happy.
That's our quilting day!

Today's Business!
  • Don't forget about your show entrees! 
  • Provide an emergency contact number.
  • Pay your annual fee.
  • We have a printer/copymachine running, due to a gift from a friend of Jill. :))

Show and Tell

Marie K. made 2 more cot quilts!

Elva is finishing one of her UFO's.
Started with a jelly roll.
It's going to her sister for her 70th Birthday in November.

That was it for today!
Happy Stitching,

Friday, 14 March 2014

Thursday 13th March

Check out the information about:    2014 Hunters Hill Quilt Show
Friday, August 8th to Sunday, August 10th: 10 am to 4 pm
Opening night: Thursday, August 7th at 7pm

Comments after last week's blog were good.
So I was asked to give it another go this week.
I'm having a bit of a struggle this week, to get it right. 
Can't use colour for example, hope that the photos have been reduced in size!
Will check that out for next time, but don't want to wait much longer posting this blog.

It was great to see Felicity at quilting today!

'business' of the day from Elva:

  • Membership fees to Audrey, please.
  • Entry forms for quilt show are due the 10th April
  • Workshops: Jessica would still love to hear your suggestions
  • Raffle tickets will come available next week
Iris has made a fabulous book of the Round Robin Challenge.
Everybody who is interested can order it by talking to Iris.

Show and Tell

Susan made sure we have some nice quilts to donate to the Bush Fire Appeal
This one is made by Ros, I'm not sure if it got a name!

Wall hanging made by Grace

Two blankets decorated with some nice labels and finished with colourful binding!

Ozzie, Ozzie,Ozzie
Made by Susan H.

And look at the back!  :))

Public Open Day 
See the quilts before they go to their new homes
One day only: Fri 21st May 2014
10am - 7pm  Free entry!
Springwood Salvation Army
15 - 23 Frances St Faulconbridge

There was more Show and Tell
Joy made an sea theme inspired cushion for her daughter's 30th Birthday,
Happy Birthday

Judy S. made a camouflage quilt for her youngest son.
He is thrilled about it, so are we!
Using the Hexandmore ruler.

Happy stitching,

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Thursday 6th March

My premiere as a blog contributor!
How exciting is that?
So forgive me if I do forget to write down important information, cause I'm pretty sure I will.

Today was community day.
The hall was buzzing.

Kathy D. did a demonstration/workshop with the Kaleido Ruler!
Thank you Kathy.

Merlyn did a good job chain sewing a lot of the triangles together.

 Show and Tell

4 quilts given to Community by Marie Grove

Blue Brick

Red Brick

Scrappy Bettie

Red Serpent

The orange group finished 2 more quilts from the donations they got from Helena's golf friend Avril.

Purple Haze

Sunny Garden

Grace made this gender neutral fabulous quilt for the Bush Fire Quilt Appeal


There will be many more quilts for community to show in the nearby future, cause we saw a lot of donated tops!

Avalon Quilters
They have their show on this Friday 9am.-7pm.and Saturday 9am.-5pm.
in the Uniting Church hall, Bellevue Ave, Avalon Beach

Happy Stitching,
I'm of to Canberra now to see the Historic Map exhibition, which should be fantastic,

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Another week of inspiration

Check out the information about:    2014 Hunters Hill Quilt Show
Friday, August 8th to Sunday, August 10th: 10 am to 4 pm
Opening night: Thursday, August 7th at 7pm

First the 'business' of the day from Elva:

  • Membership fees to Audrey, please.
  • Entry forms for quilt show are available - if you haven't received yours,  talk to Grace. 
  • Community Update:  Susan suggests that when considering your next Community quilt,  think about making it 'Gender Neutral'. Susan also mentioned that all the wards of Macquarie Hospital would like some more quilts. 
  • Workshops: Jessica would love to hear your suggestions
  • 2014 Raffle quilts will be entered into the Guild Show

And now 'Show and Tell

A perfect little cot quilt - but my confession, I can't remember who it was from - can someone please leave a comment with the name of the maker.  It is really cute.

Heather told us about the the Bedford Mystery Quilting Challenge.   If you would like to participate, the email contact is: .      Heather shared this quilt with us: the result of a previous year's challenge.  She has received all the prepared fabric and instructions ready to start again with this year's challenge.

Moina showed this prefect baby quilt for the new baby in their family.  

Check out the detailed quilting !

and from one of our prolific members, Jenny,  a quilt top for community:  just a few scraps, she said !

A rainy weekend is just the weather for lots of sewing.   Enjoy your week.  Cheers Iris

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Another fun sewing day !

Check out the information about:    2014 Hunters Hill Quilt Show
Friday, August 8th to Sunday, August 10th: 10 am to 4 pm
Opening night: Thursday, August 7th at 7pm

I'm starting with some good news ..  Felicity has again rallied ... an amazing lady.  As always, our thoughts and best wishes are with her and all our other members fighting health problems.

And the business news:  membership fees are due and payable to Audrey.  If preferred, a direct deposit is possible. Elva or Audrey have the bank details.

Community news:  Susan has a contact for the donation of quilts for the recent bush fire victims.  The request is for mostly 'men's' designs.   Susan will focus on a community effort next week for those who want to be involved,  using fabrics from the cupboard stash.  

Show and Tell:

What a 'Ray of Sunshine' this is !    Made by Narelle and her team for the Community 'stash'.

A cot quilt for the Grace Center 'stash' from Elva

and a quilt by MO Kathy using her very own fabric - Wandering Mind.  As well as showing her quilt, Kathy shared the story of the naming of her collection.    I couldn't decide which picture to use:  so I've included them all.  As well as designed in Australia, the fabric is made in Australia.

And the quilt is stunning as well as the fabric!

That's all - it is a perfect Sydney sunny afternoon  - so I'm going outside to enjoy.
Have a good week,  Cheers Iris

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Welcome our new 2014 Committee

Check out the information about:    2014 Hunters Hill Quilt Show
Friday, August 8th to Sunday, August 10th: 10 am to 4 pm
Opening night: Thursday, August 7th at 7pm

Thursday 13th combined business and sewing.   We applauded the outgoing 2013 HHQ Committee and welcome in the new committee for 2014.   

It was with much pleasure that I welcomed Elva and 'pinned' her with the President's badge.  Ailsa's newsletter will have all the details and the pictures.   

After 7 years of being on the HHQ committee in various roles,  it is time for me to take a back seat.  The last three years as President has been a special time - and I send out a huge thank you to everyone for the support, friendship,inspiration and many fun times.  

And also for my wonderful quilt  .....  I have already worked out how I'm going to quilt it - just need some of that precious thing called 'time'

Show and Tell

Our new community coordinator, Susan H., showed this 'blue lattice' community contribution made/finished by Helena and her team

And a new wagga has been added the wagga stash,  using hexagons from the 'cupboard' on a wool background.  

Susan H.  contributed two more cute cot quilts for the Grace Centre 

Heather showed us the quilt she made as a challenge with her on-line group: it was a 'sort of ' mystery quilt as rules were given each month for each block.  

This fabulous blue quilt,  my memory fails me, but I think it is Marie K's (someone correct me if I've got it wrong) and fabulously quilted by Susan St J.

And last but not least - our 2014 Contemporary  raffle quilt,  'Metropolis'   - all ready to go to our  'professional photographer '.

That is all  ...   I'll continue to be a Blog contributor,  but over time I'm sure that Elva and Helena will contribute.   If anyone else is interested,  just let Alison K.and I know, and it will be organised.

Have a good week  ...   Cheers Iris