Before I jump into the business of the day, Susan H, organised for several quilt donations. Check out the pictures and the details on the Community page on our website.
And the business :
- Don't forget Fairholme Quilters 30th Anniversary Quilt Show next weekend: Friday 4/4/2014, 11am to 5pm and Saturday 5/4/2014, 10am to 4pm, at Thornleigh Community Centre, Phyllis Avenue, Thornleigh.
- A very clever updated 'library' process - when you take out a library book, file the card at the front of the box and then when you return the book, file it back in it's proper place.
- Don't forget to give Elva details of your emergency contact numbers
- 'Playing Cards' message from Jenny: have fun, don't get stressed, enjoy the process - but remember they need to be ready for May 8th!
'Show and Tell':
Just one cute cot quilt from Jenny, but the backing was so good I had to add a picture!
That's all, have a good week and next week is community week. Enjoy, Iris