We enjoyed a fun Christmas party last Thursday. According to my lucky door prize ticket stubs, there were 46 of us there. So that meant plenty of food to provide an absolute feast as always, with lots of refreshing drinks to wash it all down.
Many thanks to everyone who helped with preparation, brought food, did all the little extras that always need doing and then joined in the fun. It really made for a successful day.
While it's fresh in your minds, note down any thoughts you had about other possible games, puzzles and/or activities for next year's party. I'll keep them in my file till then. Saves a lot of brainstorming closer to the time and adds to the variety.
Judith B announced that she's 'giving up sewing' (I'll believe that when I see it!) and would like help with clearing and culling her materials and equipment. A few of us will visit her next week to lend a hand. We will then store everything till HHQ resumes Thursday meetings on the 15th of January.
Cheryl returned after a long time away having a grease and oil change! Looking good Cheryl! Thanks Helena for re-parking Cheryl's car for her. That made the visit possible.
Not a lot more to say except to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season. The pictures below reveal some of the highlights of the party, including groups of avid puzzle page solvers (thanks Lynn for this great game, many requests for copies). Also some shots of the Apron Challenge results. Thanks girls for making the effort. They look great! The rest are random shots of happy party goers and food, food and more food!
Cheers everyone. Thanks for a great year!
Here's two shots showing Iris's examples of the Christmas Challenge blocks. An email has gone out with full instructions attached, but these are the physical examples re colour. Any start design and any flower design is fine. Have fun!