Hi Everyone,
Today we continued with the making of our Wagga and all the squares will be completed by next week. It has been a great effort by those who have been involved in this project.
Our first raffle quilt has been completed and it gave me great pleasure in showing our members the quilt today. Over the next couple of weeks the quilt will be photographed for us so we can start moving forward on publicity for our Quilt Show.
Would you like to receive the QuiltNSW newsletter? Please complete the form on the front table at quilting so we can organise for it to be forwarded to you.
All hard copies of the Template can be found in our Library for you to read.
One more week to go before we head off to St Joseph’s Spirituality and Education Centre, 8 Humphreys Road, Kincumber South for our Retreat.
Narelle will be sending out an email in the next couple of days with all the information you will need for our weekend away. The Fat Quarter game is back by popular demand plus other fun activities have been planned. There is also a suggestion to meet up for lunch before our designated time of arrival at St Joseph’s and those details will be in the email.
Show Committee Meeting
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday 23rd November at 1pm.
Show News
Volunteers are still needed to fill vital jobs for our show, so please consider offering your support and willingness to take on a role. The job description should read - No previous experience required, on job training, you will be working alongside a friendly and flexible team who enjoy a good laugh and have a wicked sense of humour.
Show & Tell
Margaret D found this quilt in Vinnies which needed to be completed. Quilted by Grace.
Baby quilt made by Alison’s friend
You may be interested in attending?
Things I Fancy by Robyn Ross - View paintings inspired by my travels and things I fancy. Opening night 31st October then 1st - 5th November 307 Darling Street, Balmain. www.robynross.com.au
Bungendore Quilters Annual Quilt Exhibition 25th November 9am - 6pm, 26th November 9am - 4pm
Bungendore Memorial Hall, Molonglo Street, Bungendore. Entry $2.50 bungendorequilters.com.au
3 - 5th November Retreat at St Joseph’s Kincumber
23rd November Show Committee Meeting at 1pm
30th November Show & Tell with Christie - more details to come
December 7th December Christmas Party 11am start - last day for 2023
January 2024
18th January First day back at quilting
Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy