Thursday, 3 October 2024

3rd October Community Day

Hi Everyone,

It was great seeing everyone at quilting today after a couple of weeks away. There was so much action happening it was hard to keep up with it all. Grace completed a quilt from our collection of fabric from Deidre and it will be collected from a family member in the next couple of weeks. Robyn Ja completed a quilt to our Community collection.

Grace completed this quilt and it will be given to Deidre’s family

Robyn Ja made this quilt for Community

We will be sending 13 quilts to Bear Cottage at Manly and Jane has the next bundle of 40 baby quilts for Olivia to be delivered to Little Wonder @ RPA. If you feel the need to make a baby quilt we will need some for our next date being the Christmas collection.

Show & Tell
Robyn S completed a Baby quilt

Alison completed a Baby quilt

Upcoming show in November

Christmas Party 🎄
Will be held on 5th December at 11am - this will be our last day we are gathering for 2024.

12th October Zonta Group of Nth Sydney Birthing Kit Assembly Day 1 - 4pm Nth Sydney Community Centre 220 Miller Street North Sydney
7th November Community Day
9th - 10th November Campbelltown Quilt Show - Campbelltown Civic Centre 10am - 4pm
28th November - Christie’s pre-Christmas Ceramic Stall will be held at Quilting
5th December Christmas Party - please bring your own plate for food and a glass for some bubbles
16th January First day back to quilting for the new year

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 26 September 2024

26 September

It was a return to winter today so only a few of us braved the cold, rainy conditions but there was a lot of enthusiasm for making new projects. Those who went to the NSW Quilt Show last weekend were full of praise for the quilts on display.

Some quilts which were started at the retreat have already been completed.

Grace made these quilts from fabric donated by the family of Deirdre O’Farrell (a retired quilter) and they will be given to children at Ronald McDonald House

Christy also took some of Deirdre’s quilt blocks and made them into cot quilts

In 2002, Beryl bought some fabric in Japan but couldn’t bring herself to cut it up. She gave it away to Marie K. who not only cut it up but turned it into a beautiful quilt and gave it back to Beryl. What a lovely gift!

Christmas Party 🎄

Will be held on 5th December at 11am - this will be our last day we are gathering for 2024.

3rd October Community Day
7th November Community Day
9th - 10th November Campbelltown Quilt Show - Campbelltown Civic Centre 10am - 4pm
28th November - Christie’s pre-Christmas Ceramic Stall will be held at Quilting
5th December Christmas Party - please bring your own plate for food and a glass for some bubbles
16th January First day back to quilting for the new year

Friday, 20 September 2024

19th September

It was a lovely day today and we celebrated a number of birthdays. September is a busy month for babies!

We are still busy making quilts for various charities:

Margaret made this very colourful quilt and Grace quilted it for our Community stash;

Suzie made this cot quilt for her new granddaughter born last week;

Iris made this cot quilt from Frozen fabrics for a child in Ronald McDonald House in Orange, NSW

Many of our members will be attending the Quilt NSW Exhibition 2024 Rosehill Gardens Racecourse. Congratulations to the prize winners including Kathy Doughty from Material Obsession

 Christmas Party 🎄

Will be held on 5th December at 11am - this will be our last day we are gathering for 2024.

3rd October Community Day
7th November Community Day
9th - 10th November Campbelltown Quilt Show - Campbelltown Civic Centre 10am - 4pm
28th November - Christie’s pre-Christmas Ceramic Stall will be held at Quilting
5th December Christmas Party - please bring your own plate for food and a glass for some bubbles
16th January First day back to quilting for the new year

Thursday, 12 September 2024

12th September

Hi Everyone,

Today at quilting we celebrated our birthday with a glass of bubbles and a delicious mini cupcakes. Thanks to Kerry and Narelle for organising the food and drinks it certainly made the day feel special.

To make our day Krystiana was able to join us as we presented RizeUp with $20,000 from our 2024 Quilt Show. We also donated 4 quilts to Krystiana today to be placed in the homes they are preparing for new clients.

Show & Tell 
                                                                Grace made 4 Baby quilts

Alison made a Baby quilt

Exhibition dates Thursday 19th - Sunday 22nd September.

Other Shows that are happening in November.


Christmas Party 🎄
Will be held on 5th December at 11am - this will be our last day we are gathering for 2024.

19th - 22nd September Quilt NSW Exhibition 2024 Rosehill Gardens Racecourse 
3rd October Community Day
7th November Community Day
9th - 10th November Campbelltown Quilt Show - Campbelltown Civic Centre 10am - 4pm
28th November - Christie’s pre-Christmas Ceramic Stall will be held at Quilting
5th December Christmas Party - please bring your own plate for food and a glass for some bubbles
16th January First day back to quilting for the new year

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Monday, 9 September 2024

Retreat Weekend 6th - 8th September

Hi Everyone,

What a weekend away at Kincumber on our Retreat. A huge thank you to Narelle who organised our weekend. Narelle not only organised our accommodation but also made suggestions for places to visit on our way up.
Japanese Gardens @ East Gosford

A must on our list was visit to Achieve just in case we needed more supplies. A quick afternoon tea at Avoca then onto St Joseph’s at Kincumber.
Setting up in the “sweat shop” 

        Strip Poker Queen - Ann

The games we participated in over the weekend were a lot of fun. BINGO anyone! Fat quarter games with twists! I think we all agree the  “Strip Poker” game was hilarious, fun and lots of laughter from the group. Ann will now have to be called the queen of having the best poker face. Thanks Narelle for the organisation of the games and the prizes for the weekend.

Congratulations to Hayley who became a grandmother again on Saturday and she is looking forward to meeting her new grandson after the Retreat. 
To round off our weekend we celebrated Marie’s birthday on Sunday. “Happy Birthday Marie”

Morning Tea

Working hard on our projects

The wild life was plentiful with cheeky magpies, ducks and rabbits. This cute little bunny was too late to join us for afternoon tea.

The weekend was a great success and thanks to the ladies who were able to attend.
Until next time.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 5 September 2024

5th September Community Day

 Hi Everyone, 

Welcome to Spring sewing at Hunters Hill Quilters. The weather certainly didn’t disappoint us with a warm and sunny day. There was plenty of activity at quilting today as it was Community Day and some spring cleaning of the cupboards. Thank you to all the ladies who helped with the last three containers of fabric as it has been a long task but we have found good homes for the collection.

Safe driving to all those members who are attending the Retreat this weekend at Kincumber. 🚙

🎂 Happy Birthday to the ladies who celebrate their birthday in September🎂. I hope you enjoy your special day.

 Next week at quilting Hunters Hill Quilters will be celebrating our birthday. Please bring a glass as we have organised cake and some bubbles. We will also be presenting RizeUp Australia with our donation from the funds raised at the Quilt Show.

Linda from the Zonta Club of North Sydney contacted me this week with the news that they had raised $1,000 from their raffle from the two quilts we donated. They are now able to provide more clean Birthing Kits for women in developing countries. A special thank you to Ellen and Lin for introducing us to Linda from the Zonta Club. The quilts were much appreciated by the winners. If you would like to help Zonta the next birthing kit assembly day in North Sydney is on 12th October - see Ellen or Lin.

Show & Tell 

                                                             Robyn S made a Baby quilt

Sue D made a Baby quilt

Alison made a Baby quilt

Exhibition dates Thursday 19th - Sunday 22nd September.
Raffle tickets are available at quilting - $2 each. Next week is the last week to purchase raffle tickets.

Other Shows that are happening in September and November
This weekend!


Christmas Party 🎄
Will be held on 5th December at 11am - this will be our last day we are gathering for 2024.

12th September HHQ Birthday Party & presenting our donation to RizeUp - please bring your own glass for some bubbles
19th - 22nd September Quilt NSW Exhibition 2024 Rosehill Gardens Racecourse 
3rd October Community Day
7th November Community Day
9th - 10th November Campbelltown Quilt Show - Campbelltown Civic Centre 10am - 4pm
28th November - Christie’s pre-Christmas Ceramic Stall will be held at Quilting
5th December Christmas Party - please bring your own plate for food and a glass for some bubbles
16th January First day back to quilting for the new year

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 29 August 2024

29th August

Hi Everyone,

Today at quilting it was good to see the return of some of our members who have been unwell or back home from their travels. Lots of chatter and sewing filled the hall.
Jane delivered 40 Baby quilts to Olivia for Little Wonders @ RPA a couple of weeks ago. The Baby quilts will be distributed on Father’s Day this Sunday to families who have a new born at RPA Hospital in the NICU.
We will be celebrating HHQ’s birthday on 12th September. Please bring a glass to share some birthday cheer. 

We are on the countdown to our Retreat which will be held at St Joseph’s Spirituality & Educational Centre, 8 Humphrey Road Kincumber South on 6th - 8th September. Please re-read the list of items to pack and note the times for meals and arrival and departure. 
Narelle has organised games for us to participate in, so don’t forget a Fat quarter (please wrap) and 10 - 2.5cm x 42cm strips of fabric.

Show & Tell 
Iris made a Baby Quilt

Ros made a quilt for Community

Narelle made a Baby quilt

Carolyn made 10 Baby quilts

Sue D made 3 Baby quilts

Exhibition dates Thursday 19th - Sunday 22nd September.
Raffle tickets are available at quilting - $2 each

Other Shows that are happening in September and November

Christmas Party 🎄
Will be held on 5th December at 11am - this will be our last day we are gathering for 2024.

5th September Community Day
6th - 8th September Retreat Weekend @ St Joseph’s Kincumber
7th - 8th September Caroline Bay Quilters Quilt Show 36 Webb St East Gosford - $5 entry
12th September HHQ Birthday Party & presenting our donation to RizeUp - please bring your own glass for some bubbles
19th - 22nd September Quilt NSW Exhibition 2024 Rosehill Gardens Racecourse 
3rd October Community Day
7th November Community Day
9th - 10th November Campbelltown Quilt Show - Campbelltown Civic Centre 10am - 4pm
5th December Christmas Party - please bring your own plate for food and a glass for some bubbles
16th January First day back to quilting for the new year

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy